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Название: Аналіз міцності багатошарового оскління транспортних засобів при ударному навантаженні
Другие названия: Strength analysis of multilayer glazing of vehicles at impact loading
Авторы: Сметанкіна, Н. В.
Ключевые слова: багатошарове оскління;ударне навантаження;динамічна міцність;надійність;multilayer glazing;impact loading;dynamical strength;reliability
Дата публикации: 2017
Издательство: Харків
Библиографическое описание: Сметанкіна Н. В. Аналіз міцності багатошарового оскління транспортних засобів при ударному навантаженні. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2017. № 8. С. 114-120
Серия/номер: Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів;№ 8
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Запропоновано метод розрахунку міцності багатошарового оскління транспортних засобів при ударному навантаженні. Модель оскління базується на уточненій теорії багатошарових оболонок. Запропоновано п’ятишарове оскління, яке відповідає вимогам безпеки та надійності. Чисельні результати добре узгоджуються з експериментальними даними.
The paper presents an effective analytical method for investigation of dynamical strength of a multilayer glazing for flight and land vehicles. The multilayer glazing is considered as a constant-thickness non-closed cylindrical multilayer shell. In the coordinate surface, it occupies the complex domain limited by the boundary. The paper presents an effective analytical method for investigation of dynamical strength of a multilayer glazing for flight and land vehicles. The multilayer glazing is considered as a constant-thickness non-closed cylindrical multilayer shell. In the coordinate surface, it occupies the complex domain limited by the boundary. An indenter with a semispherical end is dropped onto the shell from some height. Contact approach is found by solving Hertzian problem on ball indentation into an elastic semispace. The behaviour of the multilayer shell is described by the first-order theory accounting for transverse shear strain, thickness reduction and normal element rotation inertia in each layer. The equations of motion of the shell affected by impact load, well as the respective boundary conditions are derived by the ariational principle. The analytical solution of the problem is obtained by the immersion method. According to this method, a non-closed cylindrical multilayer shell is immersed into an auxiliary enveloping cylindrical shell with the same composition of layers. To satisfy actual boundary conditions, additional distributed compensating loads, the intensity of which are to be found, are applied to the auxiliary shell over the boundary. Displacements and loads are expanded in the auxiliary shel domain in trigonometric series for functions satisfying simply supported conditions. The compensating loads are expanded into a series along the boundary The method potentialities are demonstrated by calculating the stresses in a five-layer glazing. Experiments are based on the dynamic wide-range strain measurement technique. A good match of theoretical and experimental results confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of the method offered. An indenter with a semispherical end is dropped onto the shell from some height. Contact approach is found by solving Hertzian problem on ball indentation into an elastic semispace. The behaviour of the multilayer shell is described by the first-order theory accounting for transverse shear strain, thickness reduction and normal element rotation inertia in each layer. The equations of motion of the shell affected by impact load, well as the respective boundary conditions are derived by the variational principle. The analytical solution of the problem is obtained by the immersion method. According to this method, a non-closed cylindrical multilayer shell is immersed into an auxiliary enveloping cy lindrical shell with the same composition of layers. To satisfy actual boundary conditions, additional distributed compensating loads, the intensity of which are to be found, are applied to the auxiliary shell over the boundar. Displacements and loads are expanded in the auxiliary shell domain in trigonometric series for functions satisfying simply supported conditions. The compensating loads are expanded into a series along the boundary. The method potentialities are demonstrated by calculating the stresses in a five-layer glazing. Experiments are based on the dynamic wide-range strain measurement technique. A good match of theoretical and experimental results confirms the feasibility and effectiveness of the method offered.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/5607
Располагается в коллекциях:№ 8

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