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Title: | Баланс поживних речовин дерново-підзолистого ґрунту за вирощування злакових трав |
Other Titles: | Баланс поживних речовин дерново-підзолистого ґрунту за вирощування злакових трав Balance of living rechives of sod-podzolic soil for calving grass herbs |
Authors: | Карбівська, У. М. |
Keywords: | злакові трави, дерново-підзолистий ґрунт, баланс поживних речовин.;злаковые травы, дерново-подзолистые почву, баланс питательных веществ.;cereal grass, sod-podzolic soil, balance of nutrients |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Publisher: | Харків: Харківський національний аграрний університет ім. В. В. Докучаєва |
Citation: | Карбівська У. М. Баланс поживних речовин дерново-підзолистого ґрунту за вирощування злакових трав. 2018. № 1-2. С. 76-80 |
Series/Report no.: | Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство;№ 1-2 |
Abstract: | Наведено результати трирічних досліджень впливу удобрення на
баланс поживних речовин дерново-підзолистого поверхнево оглеєного
ґрунту за вирощування злакових трав. Установлено, що баланс азоту,
калію та фосфору в ґрунті на всіх варіантах досліду був позитивним, це
свідчить про достатньо високу ефективність злакових трав. Внесення
добрив також мало позитивний вплив на баланс Приведены результаты трехлетних исследований влияния удобрения на баланс питательных веществ дерново-подзолистой поверхностно оглеенной почвы при выращивании злаковых трав. Установлено, что баланс азота, калия и фосфора в почве на всех вариантах опыта был положительным, это свидетельствует о достаточно высокой эффективности злаковых трав. Внесение удобрений также оказало положительное влияние на баланс The results of three-year researches on the influence of fertilizer on the balance of nutrients of sod-podzolic surface-glued soil for the cultivation of cereal grasses are given. It was established that the balance of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil on all variants of the experiment was positive, which indicates a sufficiently high efficiency of cereal grasses. The addition of fertilizers also had a negative impact on the balance. In our research, we had used local and perspective varieties of cereal grasses (Timothy-grass – Carpathian, English Ryegrass – Kolomyiska, Meadow Fescue - Menchulska, Orchard Grass - Stanislavska, Red Fescue - Hoverla). The soil cover of the experimental field represented by sod-podzolic surface-gelled weakly acidic soils, the content of alkaline-hydrolyzed nitrogen and mobile phosphorus is very low, but the concentration of exchangeable potassium is middle. Results of the research indicates that in the conditions of Precarpathian region among the cereal grasses, high productivity was achieved by Timothy grass (variety Carpathian) and Orchard Grass (variety Stanislavska), which was 4.8 and 4.7 t/ha, respectively, during fertilizing in a dose of N90Р90К90, their productivity increased by 0,1 t/ha, and at N90Р90К90 – 0,2-0,7 t/ha. The analysis of nitrogen consumption from the soil showed that this element was used the most intensively by Timothy-grassand Orchard Grass removal with harvest was 87.6 and 85.9 kg/ha, respectively. This is due to the high productivity of these crops. The smallest loss of nitrogen were recorded in Meadow Fescue - 77.4 kg/ha, which correlates with the lowest productivity of this variant. The largest amount of nitrogen input was recorded on the variant with the Timothy-grassvariety Carpathian + N90Р90К90 – 177.3 kg/ha, and the smallest - in variant with Meadow Fescue – Menchulska – 85.1 kg/ha, which is by 48.0% less than the previous version. The total nitrogen balance was positive in all variants of the experiment, intensity of the balance was the largest in version with Red Fescue – Hoverla + N90Р90К90 and was 170 kg/ha, the capacity of balance on the variant Carpathian + N90Р90К90 - 289%. During the years of research, analysis of phosphorus and potassium consumption showed that these nutrients were most intensively used by Timothy-grass variety Carpathian + N90Р90К90 – 27.5 and 82.5 kg/ha, respectively. The lowest losses of phosphorus and potassium were noted on the variant with Meadow Fescue – Menchulska (21.0 and 63.0 kg/ha, respectively), which, in our opinion, is related to the productivity of this variant. Balance of nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus in the soil on all variants of the experiment was positive, which indicates a relatively high efficiency of cereal grasses. Using fertilizers also had a positive impact on the balance. |
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Appears in Collections: | Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету імені В. В. Докучаєва : зб. наук. пр..- Харків. Серія, Ґрунтознавство, агрохімія, землеробство, лісове господарство, екологія ґрунтів. 2018 № 1-2 |
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