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Назва: Водопоглинання кишкових плівок, оброблених рослинним дубителем
Інші назви: Water absorption of intes tinal membranes treated by vegetable tanning agents
Автори: Михайлов, Валерій Михайлович
Онищенко, В’ячеслав Миколайович
Большакова, Вікторія Анатоліївна
Борисова, Аліна Олексіївна
Ключові слова: кишкові плівки;танін;водопоглинання;дублення;колаген;еластин;кишечные пленки;танин;водопоглощение;дубление;коллаген;эластин;enteric film;tannin;water;tanning;collagen;elastin
Дата публікації: 2017
Видавництво: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Бібліографічний опис: Михайлов В. М., Онищенко В. М., Большакова В. А., Борисова А. О. Водопоглинання кишкових плівок, оброблених рослинним дубителем. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2017 Вип. 1(25). C. 27-34.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Визначено зміни водопоглинання плівок фабрикату свинячих черев, підданих рослинному дубленню. Установлено, що в результаті обробки фабрикатів черев 0,05–3,00% водними розчинами таніну водопоглинання знижується у 2–8 разів. Визначено раціональну тривалість обробки. Показано, що зниження водопоглинання кишкових плівок, оброблених рослинним дубителем, як характеристики ступеня його дублення та необоротності властивостей, обумовлено хімічною взаємодією білків фабрикату (колагену й еластину) з таніном.
The technology of intestinal manufactured goods is a complicated and labor-consuming process, accompanied by the formation of a significant amount of shortage and waste. The production of intestinal glued membranes takes priority among the known methods of rational use of raw materials. Universal and constant demand for natural sausage casings, which are preferable by their production cost among other artificial analogues, is a convincing justification. The main disadvantage of glued membranes is the opportunity to split cut strips because the properties of native collagen and elastin of intestines cause convertibility of bonding-and-separation process due to the interaction with water and loss of the sufficient adhesion. One of the ways to reduce the process of convertibility-andsplitting in the technology of stuck together guts is limited tanning. Its most important and well known feature is irreversibility. Thus, one of the characteristics of the degree of tanning is the ability to absorb and retain water, resulting in water absorption capacity. Based on theoretical data the feasibility of using nutritive tannin as vegetable tannin for the improvement of protective properties of intestinal membranes is substantiated. It is found that control samples of dried enteric films are characterized by intestinal water absorption of 300% due to swelling ability of collagen-elastin base of submucosa pork belly in water in its native state. This fact explains the causes and convertibility of enteric films' gluing-separation process during their preparation and prolonged contact with water. Obvious is negative balance of water content in the process of control samples of enteric films recovery that follows a regulated method of wiping them with clean, dry cloth after staying in water. The changes of films' water absorption from manufactured pork belly exposed to tanning. It is found that the result of processing products from belly with 0,05–3,00% of aqueous solution of tannin is the reduction of water absorption in 2–8 times. Rational duration of treatment equals (45–60)×60 s. The results of the reduction of water absorption by enteric films treated with vegetable tannins are received. They characterize the degree of tanning and irreversibility of the properties due to chemical interaction of proteins (collagen and elastin) of tannin, which penetrate into microstructure of intestinal tissue and react with functional groups of adjacent chains of protein, resulting in the formation of cross-links in its structure. Cross-linking occurs, which is a typical manifestation of tanning effect. The prospects for further studies, which include the study of the impact of the obtained data on indicators of strength and elasticity of glued intestinal membranes, are presented.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/858
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