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Title: Technology of thermostable and frozen fillings with using dairy raw materials and sesame seeds concentrate
Authors: Pertsevoy, F.V.
Gurskyi, P.V.
Ladyka, V.I.
Shylman, L.Z.
Simakova, I.V.
Yanchyk, M.V.
Lubenko, G.D.
Obozna, M.V.
Garntsarek, B.Ch.
Keywords: production of thermostable dairy;restaurant industry;schemes;tables;sesame seeds concentrate
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Saratov
Citation: Technology of thermostable and frozen fillings with using dairy raw materials and sesame seeds concentrate: monograph / Edited by Pertsevoy F.V., Gursky P.V. Saratov, 2020. 111 p.
Abstract: The monograph contains concentrated and systematic scientific information on the use of dairy raw materials and sesame seeds concentrate for the production of thermostable dairy containing fillings in the restaurant industry, represented by text form, technological calculations, drawings, schemes, tables and is intended for teachers, postgraduate students, students engaged in scientific work.
ISBN: 978-5-6044617-9-2
Appears in Collections:Монографії

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