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Название: Implementation of innovative technologies of operation and management of a restaurant establishment in modern conditions
Авторы: Ivashchenko, Bohdan Serhiyevich
Научный руководитель: Polupan, V. V.
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: Державний біотехнологічний університет, Кафедра торгівлі, готельно-ресторанної та митної справи
Ключевые слова: hospitality industry;restaurant;service;consumer satisfaction
Дата публикации: 2023
Издательство: Харків: ДБТУ
Библиографическое описание: Ivashchenko B. S. Implementation of innovative technologies of operation and management of a restaurant establishment in modern conditions: qualifying work of the second (master's) level: spec. 241 Hotel and restaurant business; of science driver V. V. Polupan; Kharkiv: DBTU, 2023. 75 p.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Relevance of the topic of the qualification work. In the service sphere, as in other spheres of public production, certain economic relations are formed in the process of reproduction of social goods, appearing both in material form and in the form of services or the useful effect of labor consumed as a result of its production. Reforming property relations, changing the role of the state in financing and management, broad commercialization of services to one degree or another affected all branches of the service sector. Currently, our country is witnessing an intensive development of the restaurant business. This process affects almost everyone, as consumers of restaurant services are largely all residents and guests of Ukrainian cities. Modern life is unthinkable without relaxing in a cozy cafe or restaurant. Employees of many enterprises and organizations use the services of restaurants, cafes, buffets during the working day. In recent years, more and more people choose restaurants of various levels and classes as a venue for banquets on the occasion of any solemn events. Now, new catering enterprises are appearing everywhere, different both in size and in the type of services. The development of the restaurant business is also of great importance for the creation and modernization of the tourist infrastructure of the region. According to most researchers, the main factor restraining the development of inbound tourism in Ukraine is the lack of a tourism and hospitality industry that meets modern international standards. Since food services are an integral part of the tourist package, the presence of various enterprises that provide quality food services makes a significant contribution to the formation of the image of the city (tourist center). Therefore, there is currently a need to study management issues at catering enterprises, as well as the development of entrepreneurial solutions in the restaurant business. Development planning is one of the most important elements of managing a business structure, the activity of which is characterized by a high level of innovation, a high degree of risk and the ability to adapt to rapidly changing external conditions. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the development of information technologies. In connection with this, the implementation of automated management systems in the production process becomes an urgent task for entrepreneurs and middle managers. To solve management issues: the development of enterprises requires the availability of modern expert systems capable of detecting various problematic situations and finding ways out of them. Therefore, the development and implementation of automated expert systems for enterprises in the hospitality industry is quite promising. In these conditions, there is an objective need for scientifically based economic, organizational, socio-psychological and innovative management methods of food enterprises in competitive conditions, as well as the development of business solutions aimed at their comprehensive development, which determines the relevance of the topic of this work. The purpose of the qualification work is the implementation of innovative technologies for the operation and management of a restaurant establishment in modern conditions. Task. According to the set goal in the work were posed and resolved the following tasks: - a review of sobriety classification and functioning of the restaurant business; - establishment of factors that directly affect the development of restaurant enterprises in market conditions; - analysis of modern approaches to managing the activities of the enterprise in the restaurant industry; - provide a general description and analyze the current state of the restaurant industry; - characterize economic activity and analyze efficiency resource management at enterprises restaurant farms on the example of "Piemonte"; - to conduct an analysis of the product range and prices, features of the Piemonte menu ; - to analyze and establish the principles of formation of material and technical equipment " Piemonte "; - provide recommendations on increasing the competitiveness of the restaurant industry; - provide recommendations on planning effective communications of the restaurant industry; - describe and analyze the processes of increasing the volume of sales of restaurant services by creating a brand and attracting visitors. Object of study. The object is a study of the activities of the restaurant business enterprise "Piemonte". Subject of study . The subject of the study is the modern features of management and activity of a restaurant establishment in competitive conditions. Theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results. It consists in the study of theoretical features of management, the operation of a restaurant establishment in competitive conditions, providing recommendations on increasing the competitiveness of the restaurant business. Approbation. The main provisions of the work were reported at meetings of the scientific circle of the department of trade, hotel and restaurant and customs affairs, at scientific and practical conferences.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/49521
Располагается в коллекциях:241 – " Готельно - ресторанна справа" (Магістри)

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