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Название: Властивості фітостерилферулятів
Другие названия: Properties of phytosterylferulates
Авторы: Ленерт, Світлана Олександрівна
Ключевые слова: фітостерилферуляти;біосинтез;антиоксидантна активність;холестеринзнижуючий ефект;метаболізм;phytosteryl ferulates;biosynthesis;antioxidant activity;cholesterol lowering effect;metabolism
Дата публикации: 2021
Издательство: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Библиографическое описание: Ленерт С. О. Властивості фітостерилферулятів. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2021. Вип. 1(33). C. 211-223.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Наведено структурні формули фітостерилферулятів. Показано, що це продукти ізопропеноїдного синтезу. Визначено антиоксидантну активність фітостерилферулятів та їх холестеринзнижуючий ефект. Показано, що ці речовини є безпечними фізіологічно-функціональними інгредієнтами, їх уживання сприяє зниженню ризику коронарної хвороби серця. Наведено дані про їх метаболізм.
The most well-known source of phytosterylferulates is γ-orizanol. They are formed under its enzymatic hydrolysis. Phytosterylferulates are esters of ferulic acid and phytosterols. Phytosterols are divided into three groups: 4-desmethylsterols, 4α-monomethylsterols, 4,4-dimethylsterols. Desmethylsterylferrulates hydrolysis in vitro studies show that they can be hydrolyzed by enzymes. Phytosterylferulates structural formulas analysis shows that they all have similar structure. They can be identified in many cell walls of cereals grains (corn, wheat, rye, rice, barley, triticale), vegetables and fruits. During the vegetable sterols biosynthesis, more than 30 enzymatically catalyzed reactions take place. It is found that phytosterols are products of isopropenoid biosynthesis. It is shown that ferulic acid forms from phenylalanine or tyrosine, which are products of the shikimate way. Transferrulic acid forms after hydroxylation of p-coumaric acid to caffeic acid and final methylation. The phytosterylferulates antioxidant activity is shown. Various results of in vitro studies indicate the antioxidant properties of sterylferulates. The antioxidant effect of ferulic acid is explained by the presence of phenolic groups in it: reactive radicals can be linked by hydroxyl groups due to the removal of hydrogen radical. The phytosteryl antioxidant action can also be explained by following: radicals can be bound by methylene groups’ attachment or hydrogen radical removal from C25. It is also shown that phytosterylferulates have cholesterol-lowering effect, which depends on their consumption amount (dose). The use of 0,8–1,0 g per day leads to low density lipoproteins decreasing by 5%, 1,2–2,0 g per day – by 10–16%. Scientists found that phytosterylferulates use reduces the risk of coronary heart disease. Data of phytosterylferulates cholesterollowering properties mechanisms (predicted) and their metabolism are presented. Scientists determine their safety and the need to use these substances as physiologically functional ingredients. Phytosterylferulates are substances that accompany a person throughout the history of his life, perform important biological function, but are not yet in high demand as valuable physiological functional ingredients.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/3326
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (33)

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