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Назва: Вплив добавки білково-мінеральної на деякі характеристики м’ясних посічених систем
Інші назви: Protein and mineral additive effect on some characteristics of meat minced systems
Автори: Лещенко, Катерина Геннадіївна
Серік, Максим Леонідович
Пивоваров, Євген Павлович
Ключові слова: м’ясні посічені напівфабрикати;добавка білковомінеральна;граничне напруження зсуву;вологозв’язуюча здатність;protein and mineral additive;minced meat semi-finished products;shear stress;moisture-binding ability
Дата публікації: 2021
Видавництво: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Бібліографічний опис: Лещенко К. Г., Серік М. Л., Пивоваров Є. П. Вплив добавки білково-мінеральної на деякі характеристики м’ясних посічених систем. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2021. Вип. 1(33). C. 20-31.
Короткий огляд (реферат): Обґрунтовано доцільність застосування добавки білково-мінеральної (ДБМ) у складі м’ясних посічених напівфабрикатів високого ступеня готовності на основі яловичих та курячих фаршів з огляду на її вплив на вологозв’язуючі властивості та граничне напруження зсуву м’ясних систем. Доведено, що її використання дозволяє збагатити продукцію засвоюваними сполуками кальцію, забезпечити часткову стабілізацію вільної вологи, кращу стабільність структурно-механічних характеристик після заморожування, зберігання й розморожування.
It is proposed to improve the technology of production of meat minced semifinished products by adding protein and mineral additive (PMA). The literature review has shown the relevance of meat semi-finished products improving by enriching them with deficient mineral elements, including calcium. It is proposed to use an improved protein and mineral additive as a source of digestible calcium compounds, it contains protein-mineral calcium and magnesium, as well as up to 12% of chondroitin sulfates, which are important metabolically active components and have a positive effect on calcium absorption. The expediency of a protein and mineral additive using in the composition of meat minced semi-finished products of a high degree of readiness on the basis of beef and chicken minced meat in the amount up to 5% is substantiated. The positive effect of PMA on the moisture-binding ability and shear stress of meat systems was proven. It was determined that the using of PMA up to 5% increases the moisture-binding ability (MBA) of minced meat based on chicken up to 15% and minced meat based on beef up to 24%. Cryoprotective properties of additive are established, which consist in stabilization of moisture in the composition of the meat minced systems after their freezing, storage and thawing. Smaller moisture losses by samples with PMA during heat treatment were proved. It was found that in raw minced meat samples with a content of PMA up to 5% there is a smaller decrease in MBA at 3–7% compared to the control. After heat treatment of minced meat with PMA, which were subjected to freezing and thawing, MBA decrease at 8–12% compared to the control samples was observed. The pronounced correlation between the obtained data on the MBA of meat systems with the index of shear stress (ISS) was established. When using up to 5% of PMA in raw minced meat at the background of an increase in MBA the ISS increase to 25–35% compared to control samples was observed. After heat treatment of pre-frozen minced meat, the ISS decrease of samples with PMA less at 10 –15% was noted. Thus, the use of protein and mineral additive in the amount of up to 5% allows not only to improve the chemical composition of the finished product by enriching it with digestible calcium compounds, but also to provide partial stabilization of free moisture in minced meat and finished products. The revealed cryoprotective properties of the additive allow to reduce losses during heat treatment and provide better stability of structural and mechanical characteristics of meat semi-finished products after freezing, storage and thawing, which ensures the formation of better technological and consumer characteristics of the product.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/3172
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