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Title: Аналіз вмісту білків та амінокислот під час зберігання свіжих культивованих грибів Pleurotus ostreatus
Other Titles: Analysis of proteins and amino acids content during storage of cultivated mushrooms pleurotus ostreatus
Authors: Медведкова, Інна Ігорівна
Keywords: глива;дослідження;білок;амінокислота;температура;термін зберігання;вешенка;исследование;белок;аминокислота;температура;срок хранения;oyster;research;protein;amino acid;temperature;shelf life
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Медведкова І. І. Аналіз вмісту білків та амінокислот під час зберігання свіжих культивованих грибів Pleurotus ostreatus. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2014. Вип. 1(19). C. 327-336.
Abstract: Проведено дослідження показників вмісту білків та амінокислот свіжих культивованих грибів Рleurotus ostreatus для різних періодів зберігання за різних температурно-вологісних режимів, установлено, що найкращим терміном зберігання для культивованої гливи є тридобовий термін за температури 0÷2° С та відносної вологості 78 ± 2%.
Conducting analysis of fluctuations of level of proteins and amino acids content in cultivated mushrooms Pleurotus ostreatus during different retention periods has been considered in this work. In this case storage temperature which was changed from 0°С to 6°С has the main effect. Mushrooms of Pleurotus type are widely spread all over the world and take the second place in the world according to the volume of cultivation in industry. Trad-able peculiarities of mushrooms are characterized, first of all, by organoleptic and physical properties, one of which is nutritional value. Investigations were made on the samples of one strain НК-35. It is commonly known that protein is of significant importance for foodstuffs because it determines biological value of the product. Food protein quality index, i.e. its amino acid compound is also of special interest. Observations were made during 15 days. In order to store mushrooms at different temperature modes four cooling chambers were used. In every chamber a peculiar temperature mode of storage: 0±0,5°С; 2±0,5°С; 4±0,5°С; 6±0,5°С by φ = 78±2% has been set. These storage conditions are maximum approximate to the mode of mushrooms storage in trade. The compound of amino acids was specified in fruit bodies of oyster mushrooms grown on sunflower husk. Preparation of fruit bodies’ samples was made using the method of acid hydrolysis of protein. Analysis was carried out on liquid chromatograph Hitachi L-8800 (Japan). Under our observations spores got ripen on the 12th day of storage at storage temperature of 0°С. Carried out investigations of dynamics of protein content and some its components during the process of storage at different temperatures has shown that during 3 days quantitative composition of protein in case if it changes, it changes slightly (decreases at temperature of 0°С and increases proportionally to increase of temperature: 12,99% for 2°С and 15,75% for 6°С). Hereafter there begins abrupt increase of protein quantity because of spore formation in mushrooms. Finally on the 12th day of storage at the temperature of 0°С and 2°С and on the 15th day of storage at the temperature of 4°С and 6°С there is gradual decrease of activity of protein and its components with further decrease of its quantity in total weight of fruit body. Summarizing all above mentioned I would like to note that in context of saving integrity of protein substance in oyster mushrooms, optimal storage time of fresh mushrooms is the period of 1÷3 days at the temperature of 0÷2°С.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (19)

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