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Title: Визначення збалансованості амінокислотного складу колагенового препарату
Other Titles: Determination of the balance of amino acid structure of collagenic preparation
Authors: Кушнір, Надія Анатоліївна
Keywords: колагеновий препарат;амінокислотний склад;коллагеновый препарат;аминокислотный состав;collagen preparation;the amino acid composition
Issue Date: 2015
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Кушнір Н. А. Визначення збалансованості амінокислотного складу колагенового препарату. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2015. Вип. 1(21). C. 458-468.
Abstract: Розглянуто колагеновий препарат, детально вивчено його амінокислотний склад і збалансованість. Визначено гідрофобність колагенів вторинної рибної сировини та проведено їх аналіз.
The aim of the paper is to develop comparative characteristics of amino acid composition of hydrolysates produced from secondary fish raw materials. To receive comparative characteristics of the amino acid composition of collagen hydrolysates it was necessary to determine the degree of hydrophobicity, shape of protein globules according to Fisher, calculate amino acid score of collagen hydrolysates with further balance assessment. The highest content of amino acids in the collagen of carp scales is accounted for: glycine, proline, and alanine. As compared with the content of most amino acids in the carp skin their content is almost the same. Therefore, Fisher curve confirms that collagen globules of carp scales and skin are spherical. Protein preparation has a low utility coefficient in comparison with the ideal protein (α = 0,25). This imbalance shows that amino acids of the collagen preparation can be utilized by 25% in the human body, and being in the “excess” during assimilation there are not many amino acids (σ = 0,15% ). The coefficient of differences in amino acid composition is 1.05% . Balance of essential amino acids in relation to physiological norms is also characterized by the rationality coefficient (Rc) of amino acid composition, which is low for the collagen scales. The degree of productive use of essential amino acids in the human body as a plastic material (BTsp) is 94,25% .
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (21)

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