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Title: Комплексна оцінка якості жіночих гігієнічних прокладок
Other Titles: Comprehensive assessment of women's hygienic pads quality
Authors: Пенкіна, Наталя Михайлівна
Колесник, Вікторія Валентинівна
Каламайко, Ганна Олексіївна
Keywords: якість;гігієнічна прокладка;властивість;коефіцієнт;група;качество;гигиеническая прокладка;свойство;группа;коэффициент;quality;hygienic pads;coefficient;group;properties
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Пенкіна Н. М., Колесник В. В., Каламайко Г. О. Комплексна оцінка якості жіночих гігієнічних прокладок. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2016. Вип. 1(23). C. 353-363.
Abstract: Проведено комплексну оцінку якості існуючих на світовому ринку жіночих щоденних прокладок, а також нових лікувально-профілактичних прокладок із прополісом. Використано комплекс показників якості, який включає органолептичні, фізико-хімічні та гігієнічні показники. Розраховано комплексний показник якості гігієнічних прокладок і за його результатами визначено кращий зразок.
Market of female hygiene products is in the state of constant growth and search for new types of pads with the improved consumer properties. In general, it is a significant market segment of hygienic products characterized by high saturation and competition. Over the past years, a range of daily pads has considerably grown, due to which consumers can choose goods according to their preference and price category. Now, the market of hygiene products offers a variety of women's pads, which differ in appearance and materials used during manufacturing. Use of substandard products can cause irritation or serious gynecological diseases. Therefore, studying the quality of women's pads and specifying the safety of their use are always relevant in practical activities. The current research provides comprehensive assessment of quality for daily pads available in the world market, as well as for new medical and preventive pads with bee glue. Product quality assessment widely applies qualimetry methods. The specification of comprehensive quality indicator, which characterizes several features of a product, allows making a general conclusion concerning the compliance of prototypes with a wide range of modern requirements. Determination of specific properties in the samples of daily hygienic pads was performed for the calculation of a comprehensive quality indicator. The specified properties were divided into groups A (organoleptic), B (physical, chemical), and C (hygienic), which formed a tree of properties for women’s daily pads. Absolute quality indicators for the selected property groups were determined and intervals of changes in absolute values of each property indicator were specified. By means of the formula, absolute quality indicators were converted into relative ones. Each sample was provided with the points on each property. By means of the formulas, intra-group and inter-group significance ratios were calculated. Comprehensive indicator was calculated by an average weighted arithmetic method. The best sample was selected due to the comprehensive assessment of women's hygienic pads quality.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (23)

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