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Title: Експертиза різних сортів зрізаних троянд
Other Titles: Examination of different varieties of cut roses
Authors: Сорокіна, Світлана Вікторівна
Акмен, Вікторія Олександрівна
Keywords: зрізані троянди;експертиза;маркування;показники декоративності;пошкодження шкідниками, хворобами, отрутохімікатами;срезанные розы;экспертиза;маркировка;показатели декоративности;повреждения вредителями, болезнями, ядохимикатами;cut roses;examination;marking;ornamental indices;damaging by plant pests, diseases, pesticides
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Сорокіна С. В., Акмен В. О. Експертиза різних сортів зрізаних троянд. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2016. Вип. 1(23). C. 342-352.
Abstract: Проведено експертизу різних сортів зрізаних чайно-гібридних троянд (вітчизняних та імпортних), що дозволило встановити відмінні декоративні властивості всіх дослідних зразків. При цьому виявлено порушення вимог до маркування на зразках троянд вітчизняного вирощування сортів Pascali та Berolina; на зразках із Еквадору Shreveport і Moonstone та на зразку Hommage з Колумбії.
On the base of global trends it is found that cut flowers are the main type of covered and open ground flower production for many countries. It is noticed that a large number of regulations are obstacle for development of domestic florists. These regulations provide legal support of economic activity, trade relations of Ukraine with other countries, encourage potential of exporters and protect the domestic consumer market from supply of low-quality imported goods. It makes unfair businessmen to violate regulations and it affects the quality of flower products and in turn activates the problem of examining cut flowers which are delivered to consumer market. The structure and typical sizes of flowers of cover soil tea and hybrid, floribunda and polyanthus groups of roses which are grown by florist for cutting were investigated. The examination of different varieties of cut tea and hybrid roses (domestic and imported) was conducted with applying of selective method of sampling. Violation of marking requirements on samples of domestic cultivation varieties of roses Pascali and Berolina; on samples from Ecuador Shreveport and Moonstone and the sample from Colombia Hommage was determined. Among the violations were noted the lack of name, storage and transport conditions, the number and length of the flowers; data about transport shipping documents, pest control and bar code on the package. The state of blossoming of flowers’ samples, outward appearance, and general state of a flower during the realization and ornamental indices (state of stem, flower color, the length of the stem with the flower, the height of the flower/bud) were investigated. It allows characterizing the state of the flowers samples as excellent and estimated at 5 points. The lack of damaging pests, diseases and traces of pesticides on flowers was noted. It indicates quite high quality of roses which are supplied to domestic consumers; but the order of complying with regulatory documentation of the goods information support causes the criticism.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (23)

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