Browsing by Author Babko, Natalia

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Showing results 1 to 12 of 12
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2022Characteristic features of the digital transformation of the Ukrainian economyMandych, Oleksandra; Babko, Natalia
2021Communication as the basis of business and marketing activitiesMandych, Oleksandra; Mykytas, Arkadii; Babko, Natalia
2021Creating a brand as the initial stage of brandingBabko, Natalia; Mandych, Oleksandra; Mykytas, Arkadii
2023Current business trends as the basis of the company's philosophyBabko, Natalia; Lysak, Halyna; Kot, Olena; Koptieva, Hanna
2021Current trends in branding developmentBabko, Natalia; Mandych, Oleksandra; Mykytas, Arkadii
2019Development of competitive organic production in the agro businessBabko, Natalia
2023Features of a trade organization activity in the conditions of the modern economyBabko, Natalia; Naumenko, Artem; Kruhlova, Olena
2020Formation of professional competences bachelor's degree in marketingBabko, Natalia; Kuskova, Svitlana; Orel, Volodymyr
2023Investigating the Impact of Structural Changes: The Socio-Economic Security FrameworkPakhucha, Elina; Sievidova, Iryna; Romaniuk, Iryna; Bilousko, Tamila; Tkachenko, Serhii; Diadin, Andrii; Babko, Natalia
2020Marketing of educational servicesBabko, Natalia; Kuskova, Svitlana; Kharchevnikova, Liliya
2021Strategic Analysis of Export Activities of Enterprises to Ensure Sustainable DevelopmentPakhucha, Elina; Babko, Natalia; Bilousko, Tamila; Bilousko, Roman; Vynohradenko, Serhiy; Azizov, Otabeg
2020The role of students 'independent work in the process of forming the bachelor's professional competencies in marketingBabko, Natalia; Kuskova, Svitlana; Orel, Volodymyr