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Title: Підвищення управлінської культури викладача вищої школи на засадах самоменеджменту
Improving management culture of a high educational establishment lecturer on the principles of self-management
Authors: Бубенець, Ірина Георгіївна
Артеменко, Віктор Станіславович
Кухарьонок, Ольга Костянтинівна
Коновалова, Тетяна Володимирівна
Keywords: управлінська культура;викладач вищої школи;концептуальний підхід;самоменеджмент;управленческая культура;преподаватель высшей школы;концептуальный подход;самоменеджмент;management culture;high school teacher;conceptual approach;self-management
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: І.Г. Бубенець, В.С. Артеменко, О.К. Кухарьонок, Т.В. Коновалова Підвищення управлінської культури викладача вищої школи на засадах самоменеджменту. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 1(25). С. 281-292.
Abstract: Розглянуто концептуальні підходи самоменеджменту, його мету, цінність. Визначено особливості самоменеджменту як засобу формування управлінської культури науково-педагогічного працівника. Запропоновано методологічні пропозиції для підвищення рівня управлінської культури викладачів університету, спрямовані на розвиток здібностей до самоорганізації та самоуправління інтелектуальними та моральними ресурсами, оволодіння відповідними навичками самоосвіти та самовдосконалення.
Given the current educational changes, the teacher is not any longer satisfied with functionally oriented and narrowly vocational training, because management culture, which contains all aspects of managerial activity, should become an important component of his professional pedagogical training. Selfmanagement is a component of teacher’s management culture because the approach to resource managing an individual is the result of constant working on himself, improvement of professional, managerial, organizational knowledge and skills. Therefore, the research of the complexity of the problems concerning the issues of self-management of a high school teacher actualizes the problem of improving the level of managerial culture of scientific and pedagogical workers. The purpose of the article is to determine the characteristics of selfmanagement as a method of the formation of managerial culture of high school scientific and pedagogical worker and development o f methodological proposals for practical stages of increasing the level of managerial culture of a University lecturer. The conducted theoretical researches allowed to identify basic concepts of self-management based on the definition of the idea around which a system of the methods of work on an individual is formed for the realization of this idea. The characteristic features of the conceptual approaches of self-management are presented. Its purpose and value are defined. The program of a high school teacher self-management for the improvement of his managerial culture should be developed with the account of the issues, which are to be solved in the course of his vocational activities. The article describes a number of different functions of self-management, which are interdependent with each other and, as a rule, are carried out in the following sequence: setting goals; planning; making decisions in individual cases; organization and realization of objectives; control and self-control of conclusions; information and communication. Based on the conducted researches on the formation of managerial culture of high school scientific and pedagogical worker, methodological proposals for improving the level of management culture of University teachers are proposed. They are aimed at developing abilities to self-organization and self-government of intellectual and moral resources, acquisition of appropriate skills of self-education and self-improvement. It is indicated that self-management is a relevant and perspective direction both in theoretical and practical aspects of improving the level of managerial culture of high school teachers. This direction is formed on the basis of the growing needs of a community and aimed at the improvement of the level of the efficiency of a person’s activity by achieving his personal and professional goals.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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