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Название: Social audit in the development of the corporate social responsibility system of agricultural enterprises, as the main vector of their competitive development
Авторы: Dubinina, Maryna
Ksonzhyk, Iryna
Andres, Vitaliy
Ключевые слова: corporate social responsibility;social audit;agricultural enterprises;economic entities;material resources;sustainable development
Дата публикации: 2020
Издательство: Opole: The Academy of management and admimistration in Opole
Библиографическое описание: Dubinina M., Ksonzhyk I., Andres V. Social audit in the development of the corporate social responsibility system of agricultural enterprises, as the main vector of their competitive development. Vectors of competitive development of socio-economic systems. Monograph. Editors: Oleksandra Mandych, Tadeusz Posuka. Opole: The Academy of management and admimistration in Opole, 2020. P. 25-31.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): The issue of corporate social responsibility has become increasingly relevant in recent years. Economically developed countries are paying more attention when conducting business not only on its profitability, but also on the price and consequences of profit. This leads to the fact that the composition of the mechanism of functioning of economic entities is complemented by a social and environmental element.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/9395
ISBN: 978-83-66567-15-3
Располагается в коллекциях:Vectors of competitive development of socio-economic systems

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