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Название: Шляхи вдосконалення та перспективи розвитку міжнародних відносин Азербайджану
Ways of improving and prospects of development of international relations of Azerbaijan
Авторы: Артьомова, Аліна Вадимівна
Ліман, Валерія Олександрівна
Ключевые слова: міжнародна торгівля Азербайджану;напрями розвитку;експорт;імпорт;прогноз;международная торговля Азербайджана;направления развития;экспорт;импорт;прогноз;international trade Azerbaijan;directions of the development;export;import;forecast
Дата публикации: 2017
Издательство: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Библиографическое описание: Артьомова А.В., Ліман В.О. Шляхи вдосконалення та перспективи розвитку міжнародних відносин Азербайджану. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2017. Вип. 1(25). С. 166-172.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Розглянуто основні напрями розвитку міжнародної економіки Азербайджану, засновані на дослідженні сучасного стану зовнішньої торгівлі Азербайджану та визначенні перспектив його розвитку. Проведено прогнозування експорту та імпорту основних видів товарів Азербайджану, розглянуто структуру ВВП за основними галузями економіки. У ході прогнозування враховувалися залежності темпу росту ринку від відносної частки ринку.
The article describes the main directions of the development of international economy of Azerbaijan. Over the twenty year period of formation of the Azerbaijani statehood in the country formed its own model of economic development. In particular, specific features of the geographical location of the region, availability of natural resources, climate, history, culture, mentality and traditions of the people, socio-economic structure of society, etc. should be taken into account. Therefore, consideration of the financial market of the country and the trends of its components is a necessary and relevant question. Modernization of the priority sectors based on the cluster approach, development of the network of special areas of innovation and entrepreneurship, creation of fundamentally new mechanisms of regulation and financing of innovative activities, development of legislative base for the creation of zones of high technologies, priority development of non-oil clusters are the main directions of the development of Azerbaijan economy. The acceleration of GDP was associated with a significant increase in non-oil sector of the economy. The oil and gas sector is also evolved. The main drivers of growth were consumption, stimulated by Bank loans. Investments to a lesser extent contributed to the acceleration. Despite a high rate of export growth in real terms achieved through the growth of oil production and devaluation, exports decreased because of falling prices for oil exports. Substantial growth of import during the same period is associated with the expanding domestic demand. This led to the reduced surplus in foreign trade. Forecasting of export and import of the main kinds of products of Azerbaijan is conducted and the structure of GDP by key basic sectors of the economy is examined. When constructing the forecast, the dependence of the rate of market growth against relative market share was taken into account. For the analysis and formation of product strategy of the enterprise the matrix of Boston consulting group (BCG) was applied. When constructing this matrix the dependence of the rate of market growth on relative market share was taken into account.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/708
Располагается в коллекциях:Випуск 1 (25)

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