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Назва: Судово-ветеринарне встановлення отруєнь тварин препаратами, що містять серцеві глікозиди, за результатами патоморфологічного дослідження
Інші назви: Forensic veterinary installation of poisoning of health drugs by containing cardiac glycosides, by results of pathomorphological study
Автори: Яценко, І. В.
Сердюков, Я. К.
Якименко, Л. П.
Ключові слова: судова ветеринарія;отруєння;серцеві глікозиди;патоморфологічне дослідження;forensic veterinary;poisoning;cardiac glycosides;pathomorphological research
Дата публікації: 21-гру-2018
Видавництво: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Бібліографічний опис: Яценко І. В., Сердюков Я. К., Якименко Л. П. Судово-ветеринарне встановлення отруєнь тварин препаратами, що містять серцеві глікозиди, за результатами патоморфологічного дослідження. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 101-105. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2018.02.27
Серія/номер: № 2;
Короткий огляд (реферат): Детально описано мікроструктуру різних органів і тканин тварин (на прикладі кролів) за впливу серцевих глікозидів. Отримано нові дані про зміни в деяких органах за даного виду отруєння. Розроблено критерії патоморфологічної діагностики отруєнь тварин серцевими глікозидами.
In literary sources there are no clear criteria for formulating a pathologic-anatomical diagnosis with such poisonings. In general, the pathomorphology of this type of poisoning in literary sources is practically not described. Certain data on poisoning with cardiac glycosides have been obtained only by scientists in the field of human medicine. In sources in the field of veterinary medicine there are reports of poisoning with other types of glycosides (cyanglycosides, thioglycosides, etc.), but not cardiac. Experiments were carried out on rabbits of chinchilla breed, at the age of 3 months. Three groups of animals were formed. In the control group, 2 clinically healthy rabbits were selected, both males. In the first experimental group, 2 animals (male and female) were randomly assigned to receive the drug "Digoxin" in tablets of 0.25 mg each, equal to a single dose and to exceed the therapeutic dose by 5 times. In the second experimental group, 3 animals were selected, all – males, who orally received the drug "Digoxin" in tablets of 0.25 mg each, the total single dose was 0.5 mg, which exceeds the therapeutic dose by 10 times. Animals of 2 experimental groups died the day after the introduction of the drug "Digoxin", animals 1 experimental group - on the third day. Rabbits of the control group euthanized with the drug "Tiopental sodium". The selected batches of animal organs were fixed in 10% of formalin buffered saline buffer for Lilli, poured into paraffin, the required number of sections was cut in a thickness of 10 μm, stained with hematoxylinum of Karazzi and eosin, studied under a microscope micros mcq 2000 and microphotographed. According to the results of a macroscopic study, none of the animals that were involved in the experiment showed any distinct macroscopic changes. Internal organs of animals in the control group did not differ from those in experimental group animals. Summing up, the following criteria for microscopic diagnosis of cardiac glycoside poisoning can be considered as a complex of microscopic signs: grainy dystrophy of cardiomyocytes; necrosis of the myocardium; acute catarrhal enteritis; granular hepatocytes dystrophy; serous extracapsular glomerulonephritis; protein and necrotic nephrosis; hyperemia and pulmonary edema. 2. In cases of forensic veterinary expertise for suspected poisoning of animals with cardiac glycosides it is advisable to ask the expert questions. Based on the revealed morphological changes and the circumstances in which the animals may be poisoning with cardiac glycosides, we believe that before the forensic expert in such cases, it is advisable to ask the following questions: 1. Was the animal ill with heart disease during life? 2. Have they prescribed and prescribed her drugs containing cardiac glycosides? What drugs are doses? 3. Did not the owner of the animal, his family members, or people who looked after the animal, received drugs containing cardiac glycosides? 4. In this case, could the animal have free access to drugs containing cardiac glycosides? 5. Did macroscopic changes occur during autopsy, especially in the heart? 6. Is a microscopic study of a complex of changes similar to those described above? Further researches need to establish the pathomorphology of poisoning with cardiac glycosides in other species of animals.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/6755
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