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Title: | Технологія бісквітного напівфабрикату з використанням борошна кукурудзяного екструдованого: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 – технологія харчової продукції |
Other Titles: | Технология бисквитного полуфабриката с использованием муки кукурузной экструдированной The technology semi-finished sponge product using extruded corn flour |
Authors: | Лісовська, Тетяна Олегівна |
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: | Чорна, Ніна Вікторівна |
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: | Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі |
Keywords: | борошно кукурудзяне екструдоване;бісквітний напівфабрикат;борошняні суміші;безглютеновий бісквітний напівфабрикат;бісквітне тісто;corn flour extruded;sponge semi-finished products;flour mixes;biscuit gluten-free semi-product;biscuit dough |
Issue Date: | 2018 |
Publisher: | Харків |
Citation: | Лісовська Т. О. Технологія бісквітного напівфабрикату з використанням борошна кукурудзяного екструдованого: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 – технологія харчової продукції; наук. кер. Н. В. Чорна. Харків, 2018. 20 с. |
Abstract: | У дисертаційній роботі науково обґрунтовано технологію бісквітного напівфабрикату з використанням борошна кукурудзяного екструдованого. Установлено закономірності впливу борошна кукурудзяного екструдованого на формування органолептичних, фізико-хімічних, реологічних показників бісквітного напівфабрикату. Досліджено механізм перерозподілу форм зв’язку вологи в бісквітному напівфабрикаті з використанням борошна кукурудзяного екструдованого. Науково обґрунтовано та розроблено технологію бісквітного напівфабрикату з використанням борошна кукурудзяного екструдованого у різних співвідношеннях з борошном пшеничним та повною заміною останнього, досліджено її функціонування як технологічної системи. Одержано комплекс нових даних, що характеризують органолептичні, фізикохімічні, реологічні, мікробіологічні показники, харчову цінність нової продукції, науково обґрунтовано термін зберігання. Розроблено та затверджено нормативну та технологічну документацію, здійснено впровадження нових технологій на підприємствах галузі, розраховано економічний ефект від впровадження. Lisovska T.O. The technology semi-finished sponge product using extruded corn flour. – Manuscript. Thesis for the receiving a degree Candidate of Engineering Sciences on specialty 05.18.16 – Food Products Technology. – Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The dissertation is devoted to the scientific substantiation and development of the technology of semi-finished biscuit product with the use of extruded corn flour (ECF). The functional and technological, rheological, physical and chemical, organoleptic properties of ECF and flour mixes of high quality wheat flour, as well as semi-finished biscuit products using ECF, the conditions and storage periods have been investigated. It is analytically established and experimentally confirmed that the use of ECF in the semifinished biscuit product instead of potato starch allows to enrich the nutrient composition of the semi-finished biscuit product, helps to stabilize the foam system of the biscuit dough, opens up the possibility of creating a biscuit gluten-free semi-product, and will allow the storage period of the semi-finished biscuit to be extended. Based on theoretical and experimental research, the technology of semi-finished biscuit product with the use of extruded corn flour is scientifically grounded. As a result of solving the tasks of the dissertation research, the following new scientific results were obtained. For the first time: it was scientifically grounded the technology of semi-finished biscuit product using ECF, based on stabilization of rheological properties of biscuit pastry, based on the properties of ECF starch; the technological parameters of using ECF in the technology of semi-finished biscuit products are grounded taking into account the rheological properties of the model systems; the influence of the use of ECF on the mechanism of redistribution of forms of bonding of moisture in the semi-finished biscuit product is scientifically substantiated, which will allow o prolong the storage period of the semi-finished biscuit product; the regularities of the influence of ECF biopolymers on the stabilization of the foam system of the biscuit dough and the porous structure of the semifinished biscuit product were determined; Using the methods of system analysis, there was scientifically grounded the technology of semi-finished biscuit product using ECF, the use of which, instead of potato starch, will enrich the nutritional composition of the semifinished biscuit product, and expand the assortment by creating a semi-finished biscuit gluten-free product. There came into action further development and generalization of the recommendation on the use of semi-finished biscuit products using ECF in the composition of products, which are the technological basis for the development of a wide range of culinary products with improved organoleptic characteristics and special dietary nutrition. The study of the forms of bonding moisture in the semi-finished biscuit product, showed that the use of BCE causes the redistribution of forms of bonding moisture, decreases the amount of mechanical, adsorption and osmotic-bound moisture and increases the number of tightly bound moisture: up to 22.8%, 25.6%, 27.2% for specimens containing BCE 20% and 100% respectively. As the amount of BCE increases, the amount of strongly bound moisture increases to 100%, which will help to extend the terms of preservation of freshness of the semi-finished biscuit product. The technological schemes of production of semi-finished biscuit products using ECF: semi-finished biscuit product "Sonechko" and "Gluten free" were developed. The organoleptic, physico-chemical, rheological and microbiological indicators of the quality of the processed semi-finished biscuit products have been thoroughly analyzed, it has been established that the complex quality index for SFBP "Sonechko" is 16% higher than the quality of the control semi-finished product, and SFBP "Gluten-free" by 24%. The main economic indicators of the new technology are calculated and the economic effect of the introduction into production is proved. It is established that the technology of semi-finished biscuit products using ECF is characterized by a high level of profitability. The final economic effect is the reduction of the selling price of the "Sonechko" semi-finished biscuit product on the proposed production technology by 17.5% in comparison with the control sample. |
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Appears in Collections: | 05.18.16 – Технологія продуктів харчування |
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