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dc.contributor.advisorПивоваров, Павло Петрович-
dc.contributor.authorГринченко, Наталія Геннадіївна-
dc.identifier.citationГринченко Н. Г. Наукове обґрунтування технологій напівфабрикатів на основі молочної сировини, одержаних шляхом реалізації потенціалу лактокальцію: автореф. дис. ... д-ра техн. наук: 05.18.16 – технологія харчової продукції; наук. конс. П. П. Пивоваров. Харків, 2018. 44 с.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДисертаційну роботу присвячено теоретичному та експериментальному обґрунтуванню технологій стабілізованих та структурованих сфероподібних напівфабрикатів на основі молочної сировини, одержаних шляхом реалізації потенціалу лактокальцію. Виробництво розроблених напівфабрикатів дозволило підвищити ефективність технологічних процесів переробки молочної сировини, розробити широкий асортимент конкурентоспроможної продукції з високими споживними властивостями та експортним потенціалом. На підставі теоретичних та експериментальних досліджень сформульовано та доведено наукову концепцію – керовані зміни вмісту іонного лактокальцію у складі технологічних рідких середовищ на основі молочної сировини шляхом корегування розчинності кальційвміщуючих солей та утворення альгінатлактокальцієвих комплексів дозволять забезпечити колоїдну стабільність і структурування харчових систем з одержанням широкого асортименту напівфабрикатів із новими споживними властивостями. Одержано комплекс даних, які характеризують органолептичні, фізикохімічні, мікробіологічні та токсикологічні показники нової продукції, її харчову та біологічну цінність. Розроблено та затверджено нормативну та технологічну документацію, здійснено упровадження науково-технічних розробок у виробництво та освітній процес. Grуnchenko N. Scientific substantiation of technologies of semi-finished products based on dairy raw materials, obtained by realizing the potential of lactocalcium. - Manuscript. Thesis for the receiving a degree Doctor of Engineering Sciences on specialty 05.18.16 – Food Products Technology. – Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2018. The thesis is devoted to the theoretical and experimental substantiation of technologies for stabilized and structured sphere-like semi-finished products based on dairy raw materials. Their production is based on the realization of the lactocalcium potential due to a controlled change in its state and content in the composition of technological liquid media based on dairy raw materials by adjusting the solubility of calcium inducing salts and the formation of alginate-lactocalcium complexes. Substantiated principles allow to develop a wide range of high quality products with new consumer properties. «Technological liquid medium» (TLM) concept is introduced, which allows for the identification of raw milk (raw milk and skimmed milk – TLMm, whey milk – TLMw and their mixtures – TLMmix) as complex in composition, condition and structure of the system and is the methodological basis of the organization scientific research, which allowed to expand the scientific and practical understanding of the role of chemical, thermodynamic and technological potentials of the TLM, including the salt system composition (SSC), in the construction and implementation of new data of technological ecosystems. A phenomenological model of the dynamic equilibrium of micellar and ionic lactocalcium ( 2 CaLact  ) within the technological chain ТLMm ТLMw, based on an assessment of the thermodynamic potential of the salt system, is developed and tested for adequacy. It is established and scientifically substantiated that in the concentration range (4,0–10,0) ≤ 2 CaLact  ≤ (43,0–88,0) mg%, a dynamic equilibrium of micellar and ionic lactocalcium is achieved, which determines the direction of TLM processing into semifinished products with high consumer properties. Taking into account the patterns of formation of alginate-lactocalcium complexes, it is scientifically grounded on the prerequisites for obtaining structured sphere-like semi-finished products from encapsulated TLMw and TLMmix. It is experimentally confirmed that the concentration of ionic lactocalcium (20,0±0,1) mg% is the minimum necessary for the implementation of the encapsulation process. The model of the technological process of TLMm production with adjustable SSC with high thermal and acid resistance is scientifically substantiated and developed, which is implemented in the technology of semi-finished dessert products. An effectiveness of using juices or purees as pH TLMm correctors is proved, which reduces the pH of the systems in 5,0–5,5 and remove the salt from the TLMm to 10,0– 15,0% 2 CaLact  before the initial content. The nutritional and biological value of semifinished products are determined, their quality and safety indicators are investigated. As part of testing the developed theoretical models for adequacy, a cottage cheese technology is developed on the basis of TLMm with adjustable SSC. It is confirmed that, due to the decalcification degree of TLMm, by 25,0–30,0% before the initial content, the yield of the product increases due to an increase in the mass fraction of moisture. The dynamics of the accumulation of ionic lactocalcium in TLM is determined experimentally. It is proved that TLMw is an effective carrier of chemical potential, which allows its use of the adequacy of TLMw:TLMm as 1:(2,5–4,4) to obtain encapsulated semi-finished products. Rational parameters of the technological process of production of encapsulated semi-finished products is scientifically proved, technologies for semi-finished products encapsulated on the basis of milk, milk and dairy whey are developed, which are characterized by a pronounced resource saving effect. Under the condition of provision 2 CaLact C  = 35,0–40,0 mg%, the possibility of TLMm encapsulation for a condensation factor of 4.0 is proved, which is a prerequisite for the implementation of the technological process of producing encapsulated semifinished dairy products (soft encapsulated cheese). The regularities of changes in the quality and safety of semi-finished products during storage are investigated, the conditions and terms of their storage are determined. It is proved that in terms of microbiological, toxicological indicators and the content of food additives, semi-finished products meet the requirements of the state food control system. Recommendations for the use of the developed semi-finished products in the technology of culinary and confectionery products are scientifically proved. It is proved that the use of the obtained semi-finished products in the restaurant industry establishments allows to expand the range, offer products with new consumer properties and constant quality indicators, improve the efficiency of the institutions of the restaurant industry. A set of measures is implemented to implement the research results into production at the enterprises of the dairy industry, the restaurant industry of Ukraine, Spain, Poland, and into the educational process of Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade. Based on the concept of the stakeholder theory, the effectiveness of the implementation of the developed technologies is evaluated using a combination of characteristics reflecting the scientific, scientific and technical, socio-economic and environmental effect of the developments. It is proved that according to the criteria of “innovation”, “commercial advantage” and “competitiveness” in the plane of certain key stakeholders (developer/producer, government, consumer, investor), the developed technologies are effective.uk_UA
dc.subjectмолочна сировинаuk_UA
dc.subjectтехнологічне рідке середовищеuk_UA
dc.subjectхімічний потенціалuk_UA
dc.subjectтермодинамічна рівновагаuk_UA
dc.subjectальгінат натріюuk_UA
dc.subjectсклад сольової системиuk_UA
dc.subjectdairy raw materialsuk_UA
dc.subjectchemical potentialuk_UA
dc.subjectthermodynamic equilibriumuk_UA
dc.subjectsodium alginateuk_UA
dc.subjectsemi-finished productsuk_UA
dc.titleНаукове обґрунтування технологій напівфабрикатів на основі молочної сировини, одержаних шляхом реалізації потенціалу лактокальцію: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня д-ра техн. наук: 05.18.16 – технологія харчової продукціїuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeНаучное обоснование технологий полуфабрикатов на основе молочного сырья, полученных путем реализации потенциала лактокальцияuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeScientific substantiation of technologies of semi-finished products based on dairy raw materials, obtained by realizing the potential of lactocalciumuk_UA
dc.contributor.affiliationХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі-
Appears in Collections:05.18.16 – Технологія продуктів харчування

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