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Назва: | Вплив наявності корекційних секцій та погодних умов на збереженість проблемних телят в м’ясному скотарстві за весняних турових отелень |
Інші назви: | The influence of the availability of correction sections and weather conditions on the preservation of problem calves in meat cattle breeding in spring calving |
Автори: | Дидикина, А. І. Прудніков, В. Г. Колісник, О. І. Васильєва, Ю. О. |
Ключові слова: | м’ясне скотарство;збереженість телят;молозивний період;технологія утримання;погодні умови;абердин-ангуська порода;beef cattle breeding;calf preservation;colostrum;keeping technology;weather conditions;Aberdeen-Angus breed |
Дата публікації: | 20-тра-2020 |
Видавництво: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Бібліографічний опис: | Вплив наявності корекційних секцій та погодних умов на збереженість проблемних телят в м’ясному скотарстві за весняних турових отелень. А. І. Дидикина, В. Г. Прудніков, О. І. Колісник, Ю. О. Васильєва. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 38-44. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2020.05.07 |
Серія/номер: | № 5; |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | Встановлено позитивний зв'язок між застосуванням корекційних секцій для проблемних пар «корова-теля» (проблеми прояву природніх інстинктів у корів і новонароджених телят) та збереженням цих проблемних телят в молозивний період за весняних турових отелень в умовах цілорічного вигульного утримання. According to the world practice, an increase in beef production is possible only with the development of domestic beef cattle breeding in the context of the industry and regions of Ukraine. Due to the presence of protective constructions against wind and rain, meat-producing animals can be kept outdoors all the year round and at the same time they feel well even in cold winters. Unlike dairy cattle breeding, the main product in beef cattle breeding is calf, therefore, the efficiency of the development of the industry directly influences the safety of the litter, regardless of weather conditions. Newborn calves need to get the first portions of colostrum as soon as possible to acquire colostral immunity. But sometimes this process is delayed or does not occur at all due to violations of natural instincts: the maternal instinct in cows or the instinct of sucking in calves (problem pairs “cow-calf”). Taken into account the specific of beef cattle breeding, in which calves are kept with cows from birth to weaning, the deficiencies in colostrum keeping technology in combination with adverse weather conditions are the main factor in calf mortality in the first days of life. In the course of experiment on cows and calves of the Aberdeen-Angus breed, when a problem pair “cow-calf” was identified from the second and third groups, the pair was transferred to the correction section, where it was kept during the colostrum period (7 days), unlike analogues of the first group that were maintained in accordance with traditional farm technology. The influence of weather conditions and the presence or absence of correction sections on the safety of the litter in the colostrum period were taken into account in the research. It was determined that during spring calving weather conditions at birth and during 7 days of calf life have a weak positive correlation with survival: 0.21 and 0.19, respectively, and much less affect calf preservation during the colostrum period than the use of correction sections for problem pairs “cow-calf” - the correlation coefficient was 0.38. It was found that with the help of corrective sections it was possible to increase calf preservation almost twice: from 44 % to 77 % and up to 90 % (P> 0.95). Considering the obtained results, we can confirm a positive impact of the introduction of such technological element as correction sections for keeping problem pairs “cow-calf” on the litter safety in the colostrum period with year-round free-range keeping of beef cattle in spring calving. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/3096 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | №5 |
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