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Title: Geospatical features of land use and natural prerequisites for land development in Luhansk region
Other Titles: Геопросторові особливості землекористування та природні передумови освоєння земель у Луганській області
Authors: Sopov, Dmytro
Karpenko, Tetiana
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing
Citation: Sopov D., Karpenko T. Geospatical features of land use and natural prerequisites for land development in Luhansk region (Ukraine). Modernization of research area: national prospects and European practices: Scientific monograph. Riga, Latvia: Baltija Publishing, 2022. P. 161–183
Abstract: The main features of geological and tectonic structure, relief, climate, hydrography, soils, natural vegetation are outlined in the article, as well as landscapes are described and the scheme of physical and geographical zoning of Luhansk region (Ukraine) is given. The analysis of the southern (right bank of the Seversky Donets River) and northern (left bank of the Seversky Donets River) parts of Luhansk region from the standpoint of land development. Intensive and extensive agricultural activity over the centuries and the consequences it has led to have been studied. Emphasis is placed on the irrational attitude to the natural resources of Luhansk region, which refers it to environmentally dangerous (problematic) regions of Ukraine. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the spatial features of land use, namely the natural preconditions for land development in Luhansk region (Ukraine). Statement of scientific and practical problem. The territory of Luhansk region, as of today, is characterized by a high level of economic development, which has exacerbated environmental problems, the solution of which requires, first of all, change the structure of land use, reclamation of eroded lands, create land protection projects and implement them. The greatest environmental danger is posed by lands occupied by mining enterprises and industries, as well as those lands that are in their area of influence. That is why the study of natural preconditions for land development in Luhansk, features of geological and tectonic structure, relief, climate, hydrography, soils, natural vegetation, as well as landscapes of Luhansk region is a key element in solving these problems in the study region. Relevance and novelty of the study. One of the most important components of the natural environment of human life are land resources, which are the main means of production, the most important component of the resource base of agriculture, as well as the spatial basis for the location of all sectors of the economy. The invaluable importance of land resources in all spheres of human life necessitates their study and implementation of the idea of comprehensive protection of productive lands as a guarantee of food, economic and environmental security of the state. In Ukraine, there is a very critical situation in agricultural land use. Land resources are rapidly degrading, which in the future may threaten the food security of the state. A striking example of human waste is the practice of irrational land use in Luhansk region, which is located in the far east of Ukraine. Due to the special circumstances of today (military action in the Luhansk region) research in the field of land resources is becoming very acute. Among the administrative regions of Ukraine, Luhansk region has the worst indicators of land use, especially the state of land resources. Physical disturbance of soil cover due to erosion, disturbance of physical and chemical processes in soils, reduction of land productivity leads to the loss of part of the land value of the object of labor. Soils mostly suffer from excessive plowing, ie due to suboptimal land structure. Over the last century, land degradation due to the intensification of negative both purely natural and anthropogenically conditioned and enhanced processes has become catastrophic. Analysis of recent publications on the research topic. Land resources both in Ukraine and in the world have been the subject of research for a long time, so many scientists of various profiles study them in many ways. In particular, the issues of land use and protection are studied by L. Ya. Novakovsky (2015), A. Ya. Sokhnych (2018), M. G. Stupen (2019), A. M. Tretyak (2018). The issue of ecologically safe land use is the subject of research by V. O. Belolipsky (2015), D. S. Dobryak (2006), O. M. Drugov (2012). Problems of concentration of agricultural land use in the conditions of completion of land reform are raised by O. P. Kanash (2010), O. V. Lazareva (2015). A. M. Joss (2002), O. O. Kiselyova (2019), G. G. Kominova (2003), P. A. Milekhin (2002) and others dealt with the problems of land use optimization in Luhansk region at different times.
ISBN: 978-9934-26-221-0
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