Будь ласка, використовуйте цей ідентифікатор, щоб цитувати або посилатися на цей матеріал:
Назва: | Enterprise information strategy: approaches to the essence determination Інформаційна стратегія підприємства: підходи до визначення суті |
Автори: | Pichuhina, Tatiana Zabrodska, Lubov Zabrodska, Наnna Sharapova, Elena |
Ключові слова: | information;strategy;competition;isnnovation;IT-infrastructure;інформація;стратегія;конкуренція;інновація;ІТ-інфраструктура;информация;стратегия;конкуренция;инновация;ИТ-инфраструктура |
Дата публікації: | 2015 |
Видавництво: | Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі |
Бібліографічний опис: | Pichuhina T., Zabrodskaia L., Zabrodskaia A., Sharapova E. Enterprise information strategy: approaches to the essence determination. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2015. Вип. 2(22). С. 191-202. |
Короткий огляд (реферат): | In the modern dynamic conditions of the competitive environment one of the
means of qualitative increase of enterprise competitiveness is a rational information
resources management, when information is regarded not only as the most important and
specific resource, but also as the element of informational potential and correspondingly
there arises a problem of determination and formulating own informational strategy by
every enterprise. Scientists and practical men from the whole world started to pay great
attention to research of effective information use in the sphere of strategic management
and as a result – forming of the information strategy essence. The aim of the publication
is research of scientific and theoretical approaches to essence determination of the
“enterprise information strategy” notion and their generalization and systematization. In
order to achieve the aim, the main problems and aspects of the enterprise information
strategy matter formulating were determined and theses of the native and foreign
scientists were generalized. It gave possibility to determine and systematize approaches
to the matter determination of this notion according to the stages of detailing. In the
publication it was determined that the term “information strategy” together with the
incoming notions “strategy” and “information” combined into a single word
combination have different meanings depending on the context. At that some
interpretations are generalizing – enterprise information strategy is a set of means for
achieving strategic aims of an enterprise, its profitability and competitiveness by means
of active use of information resources, determines a set of the priority initiatives in the
sphere of information technologies, that contribute to dataware productive development,
commercial and management enterprise activity. Others – the narrower ones and detail
concrete aspects of various spheres of this notion use. Generalizing of the theses of the
native and foreign scientists, who formulated scientific and theoretical approaches to the
essence of the “enterprise information strategy” notion, gave possibility to single out and
systematize such approaches according to the stages of detailing – information strategy:
1) a part of the enterprise strategy of the higher level (corporate strategy, business
strategy); 2) a constituent part of the enterprise functional strategy (production, resource,
organization, innovative); 3) a result of the strategic information enterprise planning
(document, plan, information system structure development plan, development plan of the
information infrastructure and information function, investment to the IT-infrastructure
plan, enterprise IT-department plan; 4) enterprise behavior instrument in the competitive
environment (instrument of conducting competitive information battle, instrument of
gaining information space). Досліджено визначення суті поняття «інформаційна стратегія підприємства» та виокремлено такі теоретичні підходи: – інформаційна стратегія підприємства як частина стратегії підприємства вищого рівня; – складова функціональної стратегії підприємства; – результат стратегічного інформаційного планування підприємства; – інструмент поведінки підприємства в конкурентному середовищі. |
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): | https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/1122 |
Розташовується у зібраннях: | Випуск 2 (22) |
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