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dc.contributor.authorВласенко, Володимир Васильович-
dc.contributor.authorКриворук, Вячеслав Миколайович-
dc.identifier.citationВласенко В. В., Криворук В. М. Використання пряних овочів у технології приготування пирогів зниженої енергетичної цінності. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2017. Вип. 1(25). C. 409-419.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractДосліджено вплив пряних овочів, а саме селери, на органолептичні, фізико-хімічні та структурно-механічні властивості пирогів. Проведено аналіз перспективи розробки тістового напівфабриката з начинкою, що містить пряний коренеплід для виробництва борошняних кулінарних виробів. Проаналізовано можливість покращення харчової цінності пирогів за рахунок додавання начинки із пряних овочів. Відображено хімічні властивості зазначених коренеплодів та доведено їх лікарські властивості. У ході роботи обґрунтовано вплив пряного коренеплоду на властивості пирогів. Доведено, що внесення 10–12 відсотків селери до рецептури пирогів істотно впливає на їх якість.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIn this article the author described the influence of spicy vegetables, such as celery, parsley and parsnip in various dishes, the organoleptic, structural and mechanical properties of pies. Increasing food and biological value of pies, improving their organoleptic characteristics and providing them with health care properties is very relevant today. Alternative raw materials are becoming more popular. Herbal supplements, unlike the additives of animal origin have higher nutrient availability and price. Particular attention should be paid to products of plant origin, root vegetables, such as celery, parsley and parsnip. They are most enriched in nutrients and have medicinal properties. Their use as a filling for pies will increase the energy value of the product. Spicy vegetables do not only just excite taste buds but are composed of an impressive list of phyto-nutrients, essential oils, antioxidants, minerals and vitamins that are essential for health. Spicy vegetables have been integral part of our food since centuries, and today, even become more relevant for us. Thanks to the Arab and European explorers, whose contributions in spreading them from their place of origin to the rest of the planet has immensely broaden their use and popularity all over the world. The work shows two studies. They identified the optimal number to use additives to improve the biological value of food and cakes. An analysis of the organoleptic qualities of new types of cakes following results were obtained. The surface of the test samples also had some changes in the characteristics depending on the percentage of entering supplements. Making of the pie from 2 to 10% of root celery (samples 1–5) on the surface appeared noticeable short fine cracks, bubbles and explosions, in contrast to the control sample, which was isolated from the surface bubbles, no cracks and disruptions. When the celery in an amount of 12% (sample 6) surface becomes slightly rough or there were noticeable bubbles, small cracks and disruptions. Increasing interest include root crops to 14% (sample 7) surface becomes rough or vague, of large bubbles, cracks and disruptions. Depending on the percentage of bringing varied as indicators of taste and flavor of cake. Addition of 2...6% (samples 1–3) was insufficient to provide pie pleasant spicy flavor and aroma of celery, and making over 14% (sample 7) gave the product too intense flavor and aroma that interrupted the characteristic taste and flavor of cake. Such changes taste aromatic characteristics prototypes can be explained by the fact that the celery root as the rest of Root vegetables (parsley, parsnip) contains incorporates a variety of aromatic and flavoring substances [7, 8].The results of the experiment showed that the inclusion of various amount celery in cake recipes can significantly affect on its quality. The optimal number of root celery content is 10–12%. Using the results obtained in the production will increase the profitability of enterprises and promote healthy nutrition.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectхарчова цінністьuk_UA
dc.subjectфізико-хімічні та структурно-механічні властивостіuk_UA
dc.subjectпищевая ценностьuk_UA
dc.subjectфизико-химические и структурно-механические свойстваuk_UA
dc.subjectroot cropsuk_UA
dc.subjectnutritional valueuk_UA
dc.subjectphysico-chemical and structural-mechanical propertiesuk_UA
dc.titleВикористання пряних овочів у технології приготування пирогів зниженої енергетичної цінностіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeUsing spicy vegetables in technology of preparation of cakes with low-energy value-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (25)

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