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dc.contributor.authorКривошапов, С. И.-
dc.identifier.citationКривошапов С. И. Нормирование периодичности технического обслуживания и ресурса транспортных машин в сложных условиях эксплуатации. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2016. № 5. С. 148-154.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractРассмотрены недостатки в законодательной базе по нормированию периодичности технического обслуживания транспортных машин. Изложены основные принципы аналитического определения периодичности между техническими воздействиями. Разработанная математическая модель учитывает сложные дорожные или технологические условия эксплуатации машин, в которых предложено нормировать сроки проведения плановых обслуживаний как по пробегу, так и по времени работы.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe shortcomings in the legal framework for standardization of maintenance intervals transport vehicles. It is pointed out that in difficult road conditions or in circumstances where it is necessary for technological reasons to move to small speed, frequency of valuation of technical influences on the operating time (in km) little effective. It is suggested in the operation of transport and technological machines at speeds below 20 km / h to move to rationing maintenance intervals on the operating status of the time. The paper proposed a method for analytical calculation of the time between maintenance. The method is based on the principle of energy was equivalent. This principle lies in the fact that between the parameters of the machine and energy consumption there is a proportional relationship. Output frequency dependency maintenance and machine resource was produced by the total fuel consumption and fuel consumption rate on the route. Fuel consumption automatically takes into account the operating conditions of the machine. The worse the conditions, the greater the fuel consumption, the faster it is necessary to carry out maintenance of the vehicle. numerical reference values for the frequency license services KamAZ-5320 were prepared. Designed resource of this car in the hours when you change the speed and the degree of loading of the car. Analysis of calculation has shown that it is necessary to gradually decrease with increasing vehicle speed the time between services. In this case, the frequency of service on run will decrease. Loaded car requires more frequent maintenance, in comparison with the vehicle unladen. The developed mathematical model takes into account more effectively challenging operating conditions of machines. This is especially true for agricultural works or works in forest.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТехнічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів;№ 5-
dc.subjectтехническое обслуживаниеuk_UA
dc.subjectэксплуатационные свойстваuk_UA
dc.subjectматематическое моделированиеuk_UA
dc.subjectmaintenance servicesuk_UA
dc.subjectoperational propertiesuk_UA
dc.subjectmathematical modelinguk_UA
dc.titleНормирование периодичности технического обслуживания и ресурса транспортных машин в сложных условиях эксплуатацииuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeRationing periodicity of maintenance and servicing of transport machines under severe operating conditions.uk_UA
Розташовується у зібраннях:№ 5

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