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Title: Вплив радіусу закруглення перехрестя на затримку транспортного засобу
Other Titles: Influence of radius of crossing rounding on of transport vehicle delay
Authors: Рябушенко, О. В.
Левчук, В. Ю.
Keywords: дорожній рух;перехрестя;транспортна затримка;швидкість руху;road network;crossing;transport delay;radius of rounding
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: ХНТУСГ
Citation: Рябушенко О. В, Левчук В. Ю. Вплив радіусу закруглення перехрестя на затримку транспортного засобу. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2016. № 5. С. 130-135.
Series/Report no.: Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів;№ 5
Abstract: Отримані залежності впливу радіусу закруглення проїзної частини перехрестя на затримку транспортного засобу для випадку безконфліктного повороту.
The high closeness of street road network of metropolises results in the presence of large number of crossing. Often the historically folded building of central part of city does not allow to provide the optimal geometrical parameters of crossing. The inefficient parameters of crossing, for example insufficient radiuses of rounding of trafficway, result in large transport delays. The simplest chart is examined in the article, when a car turns on crossing without a conflict with other participants of road traffic.The delay of car in this case is related to the decline of speed at a turn and subsequent acceleration. The size of delay of car depends on the rate of running speed near the crossing and radius of turn. Most crossing in the cities of Ukraine have radiuses of rounding of trafficway from 6 to 15 meters. Within the limits of this range dependence of delay of car on the radius of rounding of trafficway it is possible to consider linear.The increase of radius of rounding on 10 meters results in the decline of delay of car on the average on 3 seconds. In the article the simplified model is offered for the estimation of influence of radius of rounding of crossing on a transport delay at the conflict-free turning.
ISSN: 2311-441X
Appears in Collections:№ 5

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