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Title: Моніторинг світових тенденцій формування інвестиційних ресурсів сільського господарства в контексті забезпечення сталого розвитку
Other Titles: Monitoring of world tendencies of formation of investment resources of agriculture in the context of ensuring sustainable development.
Мониторинг мировых тенденций формирования инвестиционных ресурсов сельского хозяйства в контексте обеспечения устойчивого развития.
Authors: Михайлов, А.М.
Keywords: інвестиційні ресурси, сільське господарство, об’єкти інвестування, джерела інвестицій, сталий розвиток.;investment resources, agriculture, investment objects, sources of investments, sustainable development.;инвестиционные ресурсы, сельское хозяйство, объекты инвестирования, источники инвестиций, устойчивое развитие.
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Харків: ХНАУ ім. В.В. Докучаєва
Citation: Михайлов А.М. Моніторинг світових тенденцій формування інвестиційних ресурсів сільського господарства в контексті забезпечення сталого розвитку. 2017. № 4. С. 111 - 122
Series/Report no.: Економічні науки;№ 4
Abstract: В статті викладено результати моніторингу світових тенденцій формування інвестиційних ресурсів в сільському господарстві окремих країн в контексті забезпечення сталого розвитку та продовольчої безпеки за підсумками експертного опитування на міжнародному рівні. Спираючись на думки експертів із 20 країн світу, доведено, що визначальними чинниками активізації інвестиційних процесів в аграрній сфері є форма власності на землю та інституційне забезпечення інноваційно-інвестиційної діяльності.
The subject of the study is the processes of formation of investment resources in the agriculture of some countries of the world. The purpose of the work is to highlight the results of monitoring the world trends in the formation of investment resources in agriculture in some countries in the context of ensuring sustainable development and food security on the basis of an expert survey at the international level. The methodological basis is the position of the economic theory of investment processes, the reproduction of resources, sustainable development and economic growth Empirical evidence is obtained by the author through the use of the logical-heuristic method, in particular, the method of expert assessments, conducting a survey at the international level and based on personal experience in agricultural studies at enterprises in Germany, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Using the method of expert evaluations and questionnaires investigated the views of experts from 20 countries: Italy, Bulgaria, Ethiopia, Russia, USA, UK, Canada, Belarus, Mongolia, Kenya, Bangladesh, Ukraine, India, China, Myanmar, Slovakia, Uzbekistan, Kenya, South Korea and Thailand during the summer school 12 - 16 September, 2016, held at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (Germany). Results of work It is established that the key factor in the investment process in agriculture in the countries is the question of the form and ownership of agricultural land: 100 percent state ownership exists in Uzbekistan, Ethiopia and Myanmar; to a group with a mixed type of property rights with the prevailing state includes: Russia, Belarus, China; third group of countries with mostly private ownership: Slovakia, Germany, Great Britain, Bulgaria, Italy. The state ownership form determines the lowest land rent. It is revealed that large farms dominate agriculture in Russia, Belarus and China, and in Ethiopia and Myanmar, they are farmer-type. It has been proved that in countries with a focus on sustainable development, support is maintained for the diversity of forms of enterprises and types of management, which forms different investment opportunities and strategies for their implementation. It has been established that the share of state investment resources was higher in countries with a state ownership of land, with the exception of Uzbekistan and Ethiopia, which are сounting on their own domestic sources. The expert environment has confirmed the importance of access to financial resources and bank loans to revitalize economic growth. It was found that only in European countries there are low interest rates for representatives of the agrarian sector. The highest lending rates are in Russia – 26 %, and the lowest - in Myanmar - 0.08 %. Investigations of investment objects that ensure the sustainable development of agriculture, showed their priority in the countries: 100 % of investment resources is directed to the renewal of fixed assets (the Russian Federation); in the objects of intellectual property the highest share – 35 % (Republic of Belarus); in improving the quality of land – 25 % and 30% (China and Slovakia); to increase human capital and quality of life – 90 % (Myanmar). It has been established that those countries where the private land ownership institute has been formed, where the share of private lands dominates the state in the general structure of agricultural land, where there are no excessive restrictions and there are clear rules of the game, there is sufficient and effective institutional provision for attracting investments. The scope of the results. It can be used in the formation of the country's agricultural policy, institutional provision of investment and innovation activities and sustainable agriculture development programs of the regions.
В статье изложены результаты мониторинга мировых тенденций формирования инвестиционных ресурсов в сельском хозяйстве отдельных стран в контексте обеспечения устойчивого развития и продовольственной безопасности по итогам экспертного опроса на международном уровне. Опираясь на мнения экспертов из 20 стран мира, доказано, что определяющими факторами активизации инвестиционных процессов в аграрной сфере является форма собственности на землю и институциональное обеспечение инвестиционно-инновационной деятельности.
Appears in Collections:Вісник Харківського національного аграрного університету ім. В.В. Докучаєва. Серія "Економічні науки" № 4

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