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dc.contributor.authorОнищенко, В’ячеслав Миколайович-
dc.contributor.authorСелютіна, Галина Анатоліївна-
dc.contributor.authorДроменко, Олена Борисівна-
dc.contributor.authorОнищенко, Артем В’ячеславович-
dc.identifier.citationОнищенко В. М., Селютіна Г. А., Дроменко О. Б., Онищенко А. В. Дослідження кількісних і якісних показників у технології субпродуктових смажених ковбас. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі. 2017. Вип. 2(26). C. 263-270.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractЗапропоновано розширення асортименту смажених ковбас на основі субпродуктової сировини – печінки та серця яловичих, свинячих та курячих. Розроблено рецептури субпродуктових смажених ковбас та вдосконалено технологічний процес їх виробництва. Визначено вихід готової продукції та збірного жиру, органолептичні показники якості, масові частки вологи та кухонної солі, проаналізовано чинники, які зумовили одержані результати.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractIt is shown that a sufficiently long contact with the heating surface at a temperature of 180...220°C leads to the expected high losses during the manufacture and, accordingly, low outcome of fried sausages, formation of a significant amount of prefabricated fat, excessive loss of moisture and deterioration of juiciness of the finished products. In this regard, despite national traditions and high popularity of fried sausages among the population, traditional assortment have practically not been produced in recent years, since it is impossible to ensure profitability of their manufacture taking into account present day purchasing power of the Ukrainian population. Most enterprises are trying to solve this problem through the introduction of stabilizing solutions containing hydrocolloids and flavors of plant and animal origin, phosphates and other moisture-retaining components, but they face a loss of popularity and confidence in their products. Under such conditions, expansion of the range of fried sausages may be an alternative way of solv ing such a problem by attracting offal raw materials, since these products are not available on the domestic consumer market. Expansion of the range of fried sausages based on offal products – liver and heart of beef, pork and chicken is suggested. Three basic formulations of fried offal sausages – «Liver Mix», «With Heart» and «Domestic with Liver and Heart» – are developed, and technological process of their production is improved due to the purposeful combination of blanching and grinding operations in order to make the finished product a monolith. The results of quantitative and qualitative indicators in the technology of roasted sausages, prepared with the use of offal are obtained. It is proved that output of the finished products depends on the type and ratio of used offal, which, in their turn, have different moisture- and fat-retaining abilities. A higher output of finished products for sausage «With Heart» (60,1%) is found, after which goes «Domestic with Heart and Liver» (57,8%) and «Liver mix» (55,3%). It is presupposed that the output of prefabricated fat («Liver mix» – 4,7%, «Domestic with Heart and Liver» – 5,2%, «With Heart» – 5,5%) is mainly due to its amount in the recipe and is the result of its presence in peripheral layers of loaves of offal fried sausages, which directly contact with a frying surface. It is found that organoleptic characteristics of the proposed offal fried sausages meet necessary requirements. Mass fraction of moisture in finished products is determined. It is shown that it correlates with quantitative data of the technology: the highest content of water is characteristic for sausage «With Heart» (45,4%). Mass fraction of culinary salt in the range of 3,1–3,3% is identified, which does not exceed standard requirements for fried sausages.-
dc.publisherХарківський державний університет харчування та торгівліuk_UA
dc.subjectсубпродуктові смажені ковбасиuk_UA
dc.subjectвихід готової продукціїuk_UA
dc.subjectсубпродуктовые жареные колбасыuk_UA
dc.subjectвыход готовой продукцииuk_UA
dc.subjectoffal fried sausagesuk_UA
dc.subjectoutput of finished productsuk_UA
dc.titleДослідження кількісних і якісних показників у технології субпродуктових смажених ковбасuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeResearch of quantitative and qualitative indicators in the technology of offal fried sausages-
Appears in Collections:Випуск 2 (26)

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