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dc.contributor.authorГноєвий, В. І.-
dc.contributor.authorГноєвий, І. В.-
dc.contributor.authorДанілова, Т. М.-
dc.contributor.authorПрудніков, В. Г.-
dc.contributor.authorКисличенко, В. С.-
dc.contributor.authorГур'єва, І. Г.-
dc.contributor.authorВовк, С. Й.-
dc.identifier.citationКормові культури як перспективні джерела біологічно активних речовин у промисловому тваринництві. В. І. Гноєвий, І. В. Гноєвий, Т. М. Данілова, В. Г. Прудніков, В. С. Кисличенко, І. Г. Гур'єва, С. Й. Вовк. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 139-143.
dc.description.abstractВизначено вміст ізофлавоноїдів у зеленій масі провідних українських сортів сої за фазами її вегетації та наявність ряду речовин фенольної природи у різних вегетативних органах сої сорту Подільська-1, яка рекомендована для сумісних посівів з кукурудзою на силос. Проведено наукове обґрунтування впливу цих речовин на жирномолочність та репродуктивні якості корів, що узгоджується з результатами багаторічного застосування кукурудзяно-соєвого силосу в складі кормових сумішок для високопродуктивних корів за цілорічно однотипної їх годівлі в умовах молочного комплексу на 1050 корів.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe objects of our study were the green mass of soybean (Glycine hispida (Moench) Maxim.) and its individual parts – leaves, stems, pods and seeds – of different widely distributed in Ukraine varieties, and leaves and roots of a relatively new fodder culture – tyfon (Brassica campestris f. biennis DC. × B. rapa L.) – a hybrid of Chinese cabbage and turnip which is not yet widely used as an industrial fodder crop in Ukraine. General identification tests, paper chromatography and TLC were used for identification of phenolic compounds in different parts of vegetative mass of soybean. The quantitative content of phenolic compounds was determined spectrophotometrically. The quantitative content of BAC in tyfon leaves was determined using the following methods: polysaccharides were studied gravimetrically, the sum of carboxylic acids and the sum of oxidazable polyphenols were determined titrimetrically, the quantity of flavonoids, hydroxycinnamic acids, polyphenols calculated on gallic acid, steroidal compounds, carotenoids and chlorophylls a and b was determined spectrophotometrically. Gas chromatography allowed to study the carboxylic acids, steroidal compounds and volatile compounds in details [9]. Effectiveness of corn-soybean silage usage as a component of forage mixtures for high-producing cows was studied at the State Enterprise Research Farm “Kutuzivka” in Kharkiv region (Ukraine) using the livestock population of 1050 cows. The record of gross milk yield of the herd and fat content of the milk was kept daily. We have set the following tasks: - To carry out preliminary phytochemical study of qualitative composition of soybean and tyfon plant material; - To determine the quantitative content of BAC of phenolic nature in different parts of soybean plant and steroidal compounds of tyfon vegetative mass; - To define a connection between the presence of the abovementioned groups of BAC in fodder and productive properties of livestock. It should be mentioned that the corn-soybean silage has shown positive influence on the reproductive function of cows. Thus, in 2001-2002 before feeding cows by corn-soybean silage at the dairy unit “Kutuzivka” (Kharkiv region, Ukraine) with 1050 cows, the yield of calves was 75 beasts per 100 cows. While at feeding cows by corn-soybean silage in 2003-2006 this index increased to 80 calves per 100 cows, which comprised 6,7%. In addition to that, we are considering tyfon leaves as a prospective fodder additive. The research carried out has shown, that the plant is the source of phytosterols (with β-sitosterol being the major one – 75,22% of the total amount of steroidal compounds), polysaccharides, and the leaves have rather low content of glucosinolates (as a result of volatile fraction study) that might influence the organoleptic properties. The thick extract of tyfon leaves (obtained with water, in correlation plant material:extragent – 1:5) has shown anabolic activity, and according to K.K.Sydorov toxicity classification it belongs to the class of practically non-toxic compounds.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectbutter-fat yielding capacityuk_UA
dc.titleКормові культури як перспективні джерела біологічно активних речовин у промисловому тваринництвіuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeFodder crops as prospective sources of biologically active compounds in industrial livestock breedinguk_UA
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