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dc.contributor.authorТкачук, С. А.-
dc.contributor.authorБілик, С. В.-
dc.identifier.citationТкачук С. А., Білик С. В. Оцінка відповідності законодавству зразків меду натурального різного ботанічного походження. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 105-109.
dc.description.abstractЗа результатами дослідження встановлено, що всі досліджувані зразки меду відповідали вимогам чинного ДСТУ 4497:2005 Мед натуральний. Технічні умови, окрім зразків гречаного меду, в яких масова частка сахарози становила 6,44±0,12 %, що на 1,07 % та на 2,9 % вище ніж за вимогами чинного стандарту щодо меду 1 та вищого ґатунку, відповідно. Із досліджуваних зразків меду різного ботанічного походження вищому ґатунку відповідали зразки меду з різнотрав’я.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe Ukrainian market sells honey of different botanical origin, there are at least 30 titles (buckwheat, locust tree, rapeseed, sunflower, clover, lime tree and others). Today, bee honey is enough to meet the needs of a wide range of consumers. However, the attractive price of a product often leads to the appearance of counterfeit or poor-quality honey. Therefore, when it is implemented in various trading networks, it is necessary to carry out an assessment of quality, and to prevent the occurrence of counterfeit to the consumer. The purpose of the work is to investigate the honey of various botanical origin by physical and chemical indices. The task of the study is to establish the conformity of the investigated samples of honey of different botanical origin to the requirements of the current DSTU 4497:2005 Natural honey. Technical conditions for physical and chemical indicators. Materials for research were selected samples of honey of different botanical origin: flower, sunflower, acacia, buckwheat and grass. Tests of honey samples for research were conducted according to DSTU 4497: 2005 Natural honey. Technical conditions. The investigated honey samples of color and other organoleptic parameters corresponded to the current standard. Thus, the flavor was specific, pleasant, without foreign smells, well pronounced, delicate, depending on the botanical origin of honey. The taste of samples of honey of different botanical origin was sweet, tender, pleasant, irritating the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, without foreign flavors. By consistency, samples of honey were, in most cases, liquid and viscous. Symptoms of fermentation and mechanical impurities are not established. According to physico-chemical parameters, samples of honey of different botanical origin corresponded to those specified in DSTU 4497: 2005 Natural honey. Technical conditions. At the same time, in the sample of the buckwheat honey, the indicator of the mass fraction of sucrose was 6,44 ± 0,12 %, which is 1,07 % and 2,9 % higher than the requirements of the current standard for honey 1 and higher the brand. The content of sucrose characterizes honey from the standpoint of its maturity, benignity and may be one of the indicators of botanical origin. The increased rate of sucrose may contribute to the implementation of insufficiently mature, counterfeit sugar, or sugar honey. For falsification of honey by sucrose, its organoleptic properties deteriorate, diastase activity decreases, mineral content and invert sugar decreases, and the sucrose content rises. We believe that the investigated honey samples are obtained due to insufficient maturation. In our study, based on the values of hydroxymethylfurfural content, only samples of acacia honey and honey from herbs corresponded to the higher grade, the rest – to the first. According to the electrical conductivity only samples of flower honey and honey from different herbs responded to the highest grade, the rest – to the first. According to the values of proline content, honey samples from buckwheat and herbs corresponded to the higher grade of the others for the first.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectнаціональний стандартuk_UA
dc.subjectnational standarduk_UA
dc.titleОцінка відповідності законодавству зразків меду натурального різного ботанічного походженняuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeAssessment of conformity to the legislation of honey samples of different varieties of botanical originuk_UA
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