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dc.contributor.authorСлюсаренко, Д. В.-
dc.contributor.authorЦимерман, О. О.-
dc.identifier.citationСлюсаренко Д. В., Цимерман О. О. Вплив післяопераційної аналгезії бупівакаїном на інтенсивність больової реакції у собак за мастектомії. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2018. № 2. С. 70-72.
dc.description.abstractВикладено результати дослідження післяопераційної аналгезії бупівакаїном у собак за мастектомії. Визначено, що післяопераційна аналгезія дозволяє суттєво зменшити больову реакцію, що проявлялося зниженням інтенсивності болю за шкалами болю ВАШ і MPS.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractInfluence of analgesia on the animals is relevant in clinical practice, since changes of the cardiovascular, respiratory systems, body temperature, metabolism, may have therapeutic effect. Nowadays in veterinary anaesthesiology pain scales, which are verbal evaluation, simple descriptive and visual analogues are used. The aim of this study is the determine the effectiveness of postoperative analgesia with bupivacaine in dogs in case of mastectomy. Two groups of dogs (experimental and control) with tumors of mammary gland, which was carried out by a mastectomy were made. After surgery in the experimental group, an epidural bupivacaine for analgesia was taken, and the analgesia in the control group was not performed. In both groups pain level response in animals was determined, comparison of the results between the groups was made. The object of the study was 24 dogs (bitches) in which the intensity of pain in the postoperative period in case of mastectomia was determined. Operative technic was performed by xylazine premedication 1,5 ml per 10 kg body weight, lumbosacral epidural puncture, catheterization and anesthesia with 2% lidocaine solution. In animals of the experimental group, postoperative analgesia was performed with 0,2 % bupivacaine solution 4 times a day for 3 days; In the control group, there was no post-operative analgesia. In animals of both groups, the intensity of pain before surgery and during the first three days after every 6 hours was studied ‒ by the Visual analog scale (VAS) in mm (from 0 to 100 mm) and the Melbourne University (MPS) scale in points (from 0 to 27 points). The tumors of the mammary gland in the dogs were larger than 3 cm, and had one-sided localization with the involvement of regional lymph nodes. Radical surgical removal of tumors using the regional mastectomy in the area of ​​3‒4‒5 mammary gland was performed. When tumors were removed, a broad local excision was used which involved removing it together with the skin and capturing 2‒3 cm of healthy tissue from all sides around. During the research it was found that postoperative bupivacaine analgesia in animals in the experimental group significantly reduces the pain response, which was manifested by a decrease in the intensity of pain on the parameters of VAS and the MPS scale, in contrast to similar indices in the control group, where in the first 48 hours after the operative intervention probable increase in the intensity of pain were observed.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарківська державна зооветеринарна академіяuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseries№ 2;-
dc.subjectпісляопераційна аналгзіяuk_UA
dc.subjectшкали болюuk_UA
dc.subjectpostoperative analgesiauk_UA
dc.subjectpain scaleuk_UA
dc.titleВплив післяопераційної аналгезії бупівакаїном на інтенсивність больової реакції у собак за мастектоміїuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeEffect of postoperative bupivacaine analgesia on intensity of pain reaction in dogs after mastectomiauk_UA
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