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Title: Сучасний стан розвитку маркетингової діяльності в українських організаціях
Other Titles: The current state of development of marketing activities in Ukrainian organisations
Authors: Квятко, Тетяна
Русанова, Маргарита
Пахомова, Ірина
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: Publishing House ANS – WSZiA
Citation: Квятко Т., Русанова М., Пахомова І. Сучасний стан розвитку маркетингової діяльності в українських організаціях. Quality of Life in Global and Local Contexts: Values, Innovation, and Multidisciplinary Dimensions: monograph. Opole: The Academy of Applied Sciences – Academy of Management and Administration in Opole, 2023. С. 336-344
Abstract: A lot of things are changing in modern life. And what was considered impossible and unpromising a few years ago is now becoming possible and real. This directly applies to marketing in the social sphere in general, and the education system in particular. This article is devoted to the genesis of the formation of marketing in the social sphere. The article examines in detail the factors that determined the prospects for the development of marketing in the social sphere in the context of socially responsible management in the formation of a perfect organization of the XXI century. The central aspect of the article is the definition of the role of modern marketing in changing the culture of the organization and the thinking of its employees. The basic difficulties of implementing these changes are presented.
ISBN: 978-83-66567-53-5
Appears in Collections:Quality of Life in Global and Local Contexts: Values, Innovation, and Multidisciplinary Dimensions

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