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dc.contributor.authorHrosul, Viktoriia-
dc.contributor.authorKalienik, Kseniia-
dc.contributor.authorKreituss, Ilmars-
dc.identifier.citationHrosul V., Kalienik K., Kreituss I. Formation of competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprises: monograph. Riga : RISEBA, 2020. 298 p.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe current period of structural and innovative development of the Ukraine`s economy is characterized by volatility of the environment and aggravation of competition. In such circumstances, the competitive sustainability and long-term development of restaurant businesses are determined by the ability to create and retain consumer value that generates competitive advantage. Awareness of these circumstances has led to the intensification of the scientific interest of researchers in the problem of forming a specific content and sequence of implementation of the competitive strategy of the restaurant business.uk_UA
dc.publisherRiga : RISEBAuk_UA
dc.subjectcompetitive strategyuk_UA
dc.subjectrestaurants commercial enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjecteconomic enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectanalytical ratinguk_UA
dc.subjectinfluence of environmental factorsuk_UA
dc.subjectcomprehensive assessment of competitive potential enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectdetermination of the stage of the life cycle enterprisesuk_UA
dc.subjectevaluation of the level of consumer loyaltyuk_UA
dc.titleFormation of competitive strategy of restaurant business enterprises: monographuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeФормування конкурентної стратегії підприємств ресторанного господарстваuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Монографії

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