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dc.contributor.authorКуликівський, В. Л.-
dc.identifier.citationКуликівський В. Л. Підвищення ресурсу робочих органів шнекових живильників. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2017. № 7. С. 156-161uk_UA
dc.description.abstractПроаналізовано зусилля, які виникають у зазорі між витками і кожухом під час транспортування матеріалу гвинтовим робочим органом. Приведені конструктивно-технологічні заходи, що направлені на підвищення ресурсу робочих органів шнекових живильників.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractScrew working bodies of agricultural lands are in the difficult conditions of interaction with the grain material, which in its structure contains a number of abrasive particles. Monitoring the deterioration screws indicate unevenness of its distribution as radially directed coil and the length of the screw. An important parameter in the screw feeders is a gap between the casing and development. This option is the most variable as a result of processes of deterioration turns grain mass. From its size depends on the basic performance of the auger. Of particular importance for this option is augers for agricultural purposes where its value depends on the degree of injury when transporting grain and mixing. Study of wear turns feeder grain weight to improve their durability, saving efficiency is a scientific challenge that requires additional experimental studies for its decision. For the rational design of building the most responsible of the working surface of the screw – round the periphery is important to analyze the efforts acting on it. Immediately these efforts arising in the gap between the coil and casing, causing destruction of particles of grain and lead to intensification wear round the periphery. Artificial forms spiral toward axial movement of the masses transported allowance helps create his material as reserve for wear, thereby stabilizing the intensity of wear process without increasing size of the gap cover. A similar effect, but by applying an additional layer of material is achieved at strengthening the periphery of the spiral screw. In this case, in addition to using a constructive factor appropriate to reduce the intensity of wear and increase durability loop through the use of wear-resistant surfacing material.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТехнічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів;№ 7-
dc.subjectгвинтовий робочий органuk_UA
dc.subjectдинаміка зношуванняuk_UA
dc.subjectшнековий живильникuk_UA
dc.subjectscrew working bodyuk_UA
dc.subjectdynamics wearuk_UA
dc.subjectscrew feederuk_UA
dc.titleПідвищення ресурсу робочих органів шнекових живильниківuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeIncreased working life of the screw feedersuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 7

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