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dc.contributor.authorБогомолов, О. О.-
dc.identifier.citationБогомолов О. О. Сепарація насіння проса за дальністю відскосу після удару об похилу відбивну поверхню. Прогресивні техніка та технології харчових виробництв ресторанного господарства і торгівлі : зб. наук. праць. Харків : ДБТУ, 2024. Вип. 1 (35). С 156-164uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn2312-3990 (Print)-
dc.identifier.issn2519-2922 (Online)-
dc.description.abstractРозглянуто питання можливості сепарації насіння проса за траєкторією відскоку після удару об похилу поверхню від насіння бур’янів, мишію та курячого проса. Отримані залежності швидкості руху насіння після удару від висоти падіння на ударну поверхню та критичної швидкості. Аналіз варіаційних кривих дальності відскоку після удару свідчить про те, що перекриваються вони не суттево і є велика вирогідність можливості очищення основної культури від насіння важковідокремлюваних домішок.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe issue of the possibility of separating millet seeds from mouse and chicken millet seeds by flight distance after hitting an inclined reflective surface from mouse and chicken millet seeds was considered. The methods of separating seed mixtures from difficult-to-separate weeds, in particular, millet seeds from mouse and chicken millet, were analyzed. It is noted that millet seeds have similar characteristics of size and aerodynamic properties to the seeds of mouse and chicken millet and therefore are difficult to separate on machines with air sieve trier working bodies, which are currently produced by the industry. It was established that one of the areas of development and improvement of processes and means of separation of millet seeds from mouse and chicken millet seeds, which requires further research, is the area of separation of the mixture according to the elastic properties of its components. It is proposed to separate the mixture of millet seeds, mouse and chicken millet due to the forces of gravity and elastic components of the mixture according to the flight distance of the particles of the mixture after the impact. The obtained dependences of the speed of seed movement on the height of the fall on an inclined surface and the critical speed. The analysis of the obtained dependences shows that when the height of the seed falls on the separating impact surface up to 0.5 m, the differences in the values of the velocities of the millet during the impact do not exceed 5%, so when calculating the aerodynamic resistance of the medium to the seed, it can be neglected. It was found that at lower seed speeds during the impact, the difference in the range of speeds after the impact decreases, which is a positive factor in improving the quality of separation. The analysis of the variation curves of the flight distance after the impact indicates the possibility of cleaning millet seeds from the seeds of the mouse and chicken millet according to the flight distance after the impact on the inclined reflecting surface. Separation by flight distance of the seed mixture of millet and fillers should be carried out according to the elastic properties of technical plywooduk_UA
dc.publisherХарків: ДБТУuk_UA
dc.subjectкуряче просоuk_UA
dc.subjectдальність польотуuk_UA
dc.subjectchicken milletuk_UA
dc.subjectflight rangeuk_UA
dc.titleСепарація насіння проса за дальністю відскосу після удару об похилу відбивну поверхнюuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeOn the question of separation of millet seeds by flight distance after impact on an inclined reflective surfaceuk_UA
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (35)

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