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Название: | Risk factors and prevention of cesarean section complication |
Другие названия: | Фактори ризику та профілактика ускладнень за виконання кесаревого розтину у собак |
Авторы: | Errouich, Adam |
Научный руководитель: | Sliusarenko, D. |
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: | State Biotechnological University Head of the department of veterinary surgery and reproductology |
Дата публикации: | 2024 |
Издательство: | Kharkiv: DBTU |
Библиографическое описание: | Errouich A. Risk factors and prevention of cesarean section complication: master's qualification work: spec. 211 Veterinary medicine; of science driver D. Sliusarenko. Kharkiv: DBTU, 2024. 54 p. |
Краткий осмотр (реферат): | Relevance of the topic of the qualification work. The topic of risk factors and prevention of cesarean complications in dogs is significant for several reasons; Maternal Health and Well-being: Understanding cesarean risk factors helps prevent potential complications, reducing physical and emotional stress for the mother. Puppy Survival and Health: Identifying effective preventive strategies minimizes postoperative risks for puppies, improving their survival rate and overall health. Reduced Health Costs: Avoiding postoperative complications and improving cesarean outcomes potentially reduces veterinary postnatal care costs for both mothers and puppies. Veterinary Practice Optimization: Information on risk factors and preventive strategies assists veterinarians in making informed decisions, enhancing obstetric care quality for pregnant dogs. Breeder and Owner Well-being: By reducing serious complications during whelping, the stress and anxiety experienced by breeders and owners are mitigated, ensuring a safer and more satisfying breeding experience. Preservation of Genetic Lines: Minimizing cesarean-related risks contributes to preserving genetic lines by reducing puppy losses and ensuring the survival of breeding bitches. In essence, this topic's importance lies in its ability to improve the health and well-being of pregnant dogs and their offspring, reduce veterinary healthcare costs, and optimize obstetric practices for positive reproductive outcomes in dogs. The purpose of the qualification work. And the aim of the research is to highlight an hypothesis on the best way and period to perform a cesarean section while avoiding all the risk and complication for the dog ant the newborns during and after the operation, In writing this thesis was a detailed analysis of clinical cases of cesarean section of dogs with different historic and diagnosis , characteristics of the postoperative period according to the materials of the veterinary clinic IAV rabat Task: The task of the topic "Risk Factors and Prevention of Cesarean Complications in Dogs" is to comprehensively examine the factors that increase the risk and complication of cesarean delivery in canine pregnancies, as well as to explore preventive measures aimed at reducing postoperative complications and improving birth outcomes. To study the techniques of analgesia, operative access, operative reception and the post-operative stage of the operation. Systematize the obtained clinical material by groups and give it a characteristic. Describe the surgical techniques and pharmacological drugs used for cesarean section . Calculate the cost of canine cesarean . Develop a set of recommendations aimed at preventing complication and risks of pregnant dogs Object of study: Group of female dogs Theoretical and practical significance of the obtained results. Case Clinic of Emergency Caesarean Section and Caesarean Section Programmed Due to Complications Related to Childbirth as well as a Comparison Between the Two Methods and What Is the Methods with the Least Risk to Prevent Caesarean Complication |
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): | https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/57285 |
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