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dc.contributor.authorЛімонт, А. С.-
dc.identifier.citationЛімонт А. С. Елементи технологізації завантаження рослинами очісувального апарата льонозбирального комбайна. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2017. № 8. С. 97-106uk_UA
dc.description.abstractОптимізовані завантаження затискного конвеєра стеблами за їх кількістю на 1 м довжини його стрічки та секундні кількісну подачу стебел і масову подачу всього льоноп родукції в очісувальний апарат комбайна пропоновано розглядати як технологізовані, оскі льки визначають умови раціонального використання льонозбиральних комбайнів. В якості критеріїв технологізації прийняті втрати насіння льону-довгунця від недоочісування сте бел та їх відхід в плутанину при очісуванні.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe technological reliability of flax harvesters is evaluated, among other matters, by the quality of deseeding stems that go into the deseeding mechanism of the combine. The loading of the deseeding mechanism with plants (chosen stems) is determined by the number of stems in the streams of the clamping conveyor belts. Such loading is measured by the number of stems per 1 meter of the clamping conveyor band. The loading of the deseeding mechanism is also evaluated by the stem feed per second as well as mass flax feed into the deseeding mechanism. In the course of investigation the loading of the clamping conveyor varied from 598 to 5009 stems per meter. The number of stems fed into the harvester (deseeding mechanism) per second varied from 921 to 7714 stems per second. The mass feed of seed and straw flax yield into the harvester per second varied from 0,67 to 5,58 kg/s. The losses of seeds caused by underdeseeding of stems and their falling into the confusion have been accepted as final characteristics. Depending on the factors under investigation the changes in seed losses caused by underseeding and stem confusion are described in the form of falling hyperbola and second-order concave parabola. The increase of the clamping conveyor loading with stems in number of more than 3600 pieces per meter as well as stem feed per second more than 4800 pieces per second and mass feed of seed and straw flax yield more than 2-3 kg/s shows no substantial decrease of seed losses caused by underseeding . Stem confusion is minimized by loading clamping conveyor with 2995 stems per band meter, feed per second – 4612 pieces per second and mass feed of seed and straw flax yield – 3,4 kg/s. The optimized loading of the clamp conveyer with stems according to their quantity per 1 m of its belt and the second-oriented quantitative advance of stalks and the mass advance of the entire flax produce in the combing unit of the harvester an suggested for consideration as technologisation factors, since they determine the conditions for the rational use of flax harvesters. The losses of fiber flax seeds from the insufficient combing of stems and their transfer to multiple fiber serve as the arteria of technologisation.uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТехнічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів;№ 8-
dc.subjectfiber flaxuk_UA
dc.subjectloading of plantsuk_UA
dc.subjectmultiple fiberuk_UA
dc.titleЕлементи технологізації завантаження рослинами очісувального апарата льонозбирального комбайнаuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeThe elements of technologization of loading the combing unit of flax harvester with plantsuk_UA
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