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Назва: Поширеність кіст яєчників у корів за їх неплідності
Інші назви: Cows have prevalence of cysts of ovaries at their infertility
Автори: Пелих, К. Є.
Федоренко, Сергій Якович
Ключові слова: корова;дослідження;неплідність;яєчники;фолікулярна кіста;молочна продуктивність;cow;research;infertility;ovaries;follicle cyst;suckling productivity
Дата публікації: 15-тра-2019
Видавництво: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Бібліографічний опис: Пелих К. Є., Федоренко С. Я. Поширеність кіст яєчників у корів за їх неплідності. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 3. С. 225-229. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2019.03.30
Серія/номер: № 3;
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті представлені результати акушерсько-гінекологічних досліджень корів направлених на виявлення та визначення поширеності неплідності корів, її причин, зокрема кіст яєчників.
The presented results of obstetric-gynaecological researches of cows sent are to the exposure and determination of prevalence of infertility of cows, her reasons, in particular cysts of ovaries in the article. During undertaken studies 799 cows of the Ukrainian black and white breed were inspected, in age from 4 6 to, by living mass are 500-550 kg, with the middle suckling productivity 9 thousand kg for a lactation. As a result of the obstetric-gynaecological health centre system infertility is set in 170 (21,2%) cows.It is set on results researches of sterile cows, that the cysts of ovaries are set in 16,5% of sterile cows, namely follicle in 15,3%, luteal in 1,2% accordingly.Cysts show a soba empty formations in fabrics of ovaries from follicles, or from the undestroyed yellow bodies. From here and their name is a follicle cyst of ovaries and cyst of yellow body. Such formation has a capsule and filled with watery or mucous content, and the wall of her is covered by an epithelium. Cysts of ovaries can be single and plural. The size of formations depends on time of their origin and from an origin: he can vary from a size peas (another dry ovary) to the goose-egg and anymore. The cysts of ovaries often enough meet for the cows of 5-8-years-old age, especially at the concentrated type of feeding and in a winter stall period, stipulating protracted of infertility of animals. The increases of frequency of origin of disease mark at the unbalanced feeding, especially at surplus of albumen and feeding of forage of rich phytoestrogens (clover, Sudanese). Also, it is considered that high-performance cows are more apt to the disease than little productive. Although there is such idea, that not the suckling productivity predetermines the origin of cysts, but the increase of level of estrogens at cystic ovary results in the increase of yields. It is in addition, set that cows had next pathologies of organs of reproduction reasons of infertility: hypoluteolisis presented 65,3%, hypogonadism - 3,5%, metritis - 0,6%. Thus, as a result of undertaken studies it is set that cysts of ovaries for cows widespread enough pathology that results in their infertility.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/5518
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