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Title: | Технологічні параметри формування рулону і його товарні якості при використанні на збиранні льнотрести прес-підбирачів |
Other Titles: | The technological parameters of shaping the roll and its market qualities when used under the harvesting flаx stock by pickup balers |
Authors: | Лімонт, А. С. Климчук, В. М. |
Keywords: | льонотреста;збирання;прес-підбирач;рулон;формування;технологічні параметри;якість;direct-motility of the movement |
Issue Date: | 2017 |
Publisher: | Харків |
Citation: | Лімонт А. С., Климчук В. М. Технологічні параметри формування рулону і його товарні якості при використанні на збиранні льнотрести прес-підбирачів. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2017. № 9. С. 6-20. |
Abstract: | Досліджено вплив лінійної маси шару стебел в рулонах формування прес-підбирачами лляним ПР-1,2Л і сінним ППР-110 з пресувальними камерами відповідно змінного і сталого об’єму на пошкодження стебел трести в рулонах та їх щільність і масу. Висвітлено зміну лінійної маси шару стебел в рулонах залежно від швидкості руху прес-підбирачів, кроку граблин підбирального барабана, маси елемента стрічки трести, що відокремлюється від її масиву на полі польцями однієї граблини, показника кінематичного
режиму підбирального барабана та відношень довжини і лінійної маси шару стебел трести в рулоні до відповідно довжини стрічки трести, що піднімають з поля для формування одного рулону, та лінійної маси стрічки трести. Наведені графіки і рівняння,
що характеризують кількісну зміну досліджуваних результативних ознак залежно від визначених факторіальних The paper is aimed at improving the efficiency of using pickup balers for harvesting dew-retted flax stock. The tasks of the paper envisage specifying the effects of the linear mass of the layer of flax stock stalks in the roll on their damage, the package density and mass as well as on the changes in the linear mass of stalk layer in the roll depending on the operating regimes and pickup baler control with respect to the technological parameters of the roll shaping. The operational regime of using pickup balers was assessed through their movement velocity, and control – through placing the roll density controller to the minimum, basic and maximum position. The tasks of the research were accomplished by means of the corresponding experimental investigations. The investigations covered the use of harvesting units consisting of МТ3-80 tractor and fiber pickup baler ПР-1.2Л with a bailing chamber of accessory volume and ППР-110 hay pickup baler with a baling chamber of constant volume. The belt of flax straw was spread out with fiber harvester ЛК-4А which harvested flax of Irma variety with grip width amounting to 1.52 m. The yielding capacity of flax stock amounted to 21.7 centners per ha, and the linear mass off its belt was 0.33 kg/m. The linear mass of flax straw stalk layer in the rolls formed by ППР-110 pickup baler amounted to 0.18 kg/m, 0.32 and 0.39 kg/m, as well as in the rolls formed by ПР-1.2Л pick up baler – to 0.3 kg/m, 0.52 and 0.63 kg/m. The technological parameters of the roll shaping included the rake pitch of the gathering cylinder which equals the pickup baler feed, the mass of the element of the flax stock belt gripped and separated from the mass by the pins of one rake and then advanced to the baling chamber for the roll shaping, the index of the kinematic regime of the gathering cylinder, the interrelations between the length of the stalk layer in the roll and the length of the flax stock belt which is picked up from the field to form one roll, and the correlation between the linear mass of the stalk layer in the roll and the linear mass of the flax stock belt picked up from the field. To specify the character of the quantitative change in the damage of flax stock stalks in the roll and its density depending on the linear mass of stalk layer in the package, the authors determined the correlation coefficient between the resultative characters and the factorial, the correlation of the resultative character by the factorial R2 -coefficient which determine the measure of approximating the experimental value of the resultative character to the approximate values according to the corresponding function, the indices of assessing the equalization of the experimental values of the resultative characters by means of the determined algebraic dependence, the error in the regression equation of the resultative character according to factorial, as well as the determination coefficient which determined the power of the effects of the factorial character on the resultative one.The change in the damage of flax stock stalks in the roll, its density and mass depending on the linear mass of the layer of flax stock stalks in the package is described through the equations of descending hyperbola. The most intensive decrease in the above cited marketing qualities of the roll is observed under the increase in the linear mass of the layer of stalks in the roll 20.4 kg per metre. The further increase in the linear mass of the stalk layer in the roll results in the decrease in the intensity of qualitative indices of rolls . The shift of the roll density conroller from the minimal to the maximal position results in the increase in the indices of the roll marketing qualities. The increase in the velocity of pickup balers, the increase in the rake pitch and the mass of the element of flax stock belt picked up by the rake pin bring about the increase on the linear mass of the layer of stalks in the roll according to the linear dependence, where is the increase in the index of kinematic regime results in the decrease in accordance with level oriented dependence. Along with it, the investigated resultative character in the rolls shaped by pickup balers with the baling chamber of the accessory volume proves higher than the one obtained in the rolls shaped by pickup balers with the baling chamber of constant volume. Along with the increase in the correlation between the length of the layer of stalks in the roll and the length of flax stock belt which is picked up from the field to form one roll, the linear mass of the layer of flax stock stalks in rolls shaped by both investigated pickup balers decreased in accordance with hyperbola equation (K2 = 0.920). As it has been prognosticated, the increase in the correlation between the linear mass of the stalk layer in the roll and the linear mass of flax stock belt picked up from the field results in the increase in the linear mass on the stalk layer in the roll in accordance with straight line equation that Unites the shaping of rolls by pickup balers with different bailing chambers. That the tractor's vibrations cause oscillations of hook or hinged guns and, as a consequence, violations of agrotechnical requirements for creating favorable plant growth conditions, reduction of traction-coupling power plants, etc. In addition, tractor fluctuations lead to over-compaction of soils, which results in lower soil fertility and, consequently, crop yields. |
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Appears in Collections: | № 9 |
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