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Название: | Дослідження репродуктивних функцій свиноматок при згодовуванні хлорели |
Другие названия: | Investigation of the reproductive functions of the sows during chlorella feeding |
Авторы: | Гарбажій, Катерина Станіславівна |
Ключевые слова: | свиноматки;жива маса;суспензія хлорели;гранульований комбікорм;середньодобовий приріст;продуктивність;sows;live weight;chlorella suspension;granulated feed;average daily increment;productivity |
Дата публикации: | 15-мая-2019 |
Издательство: | Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія |
Библиографическое описание: | Гарбажій К. С. Дослідження репродуктивних функцій свиноматок при згодовуванні хлорели. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 3. С. 76-82. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2019.03.12 |
Серия/номер: | № 3; |
Краткий осмотр (реферат): | Дослідження впливу хлорели, як додаткового джерела вітамінів та поживних речовин у вигляді суспензії та у складі гранульованого комбікорму на репродуктивні функції і продуктивність свиноматок, встановили збільшення кількості новонароджених поросят, їх середньодобовий приріст, підвищення молочності свиноматок та зменшення чисельності поросят, які хворі на діарею. The introduction of intensive development of industrial pig production, above all, depends on the full feeding of animals, which, in turn, depends on the qualitative composition of feed. In addition to the main nutrients that perform the functions of plastic and energy material, in feed rations of animals requires the presence of a wide range of compounds with high biological activity - vitamins, macro-and trace elements, enzymes and many others, contained in chlorella. Therefore the purpose of this work was to investigate the effect of chlorella as an additional source of vitamins and biologically active substances on reproductive functions and productivity of sows. The objects of the study were sows of Landras breeds at the age of 2 years and chlorella in the form of a suspension and in the form of granular mixed fodder. For research 30 sows were selected, which were placed in 3 sections with 10 heads in each of them. The standardization of feeding of sows was based on the concentration of energy and nutrients in 1 kg of full-fodder feed. To ensure full feeding of sows, the content of exchange energy and biologically active substances in the composition of feed was calculated. Sow feeding was carried out with full-feed compound twice a day in accordance with the adopted feeding scheme: 1 group (control) received a complete diet; ІІ group (experimental) - full-fodder feed with free access to drinking suspension Chlorella; group III (experimental) - granulated mixed fodder with spray suspension of chlorella. The results of current research showed the following indicators: live weight of piglets increased, on average, by 35 %, milkability increased by 24 %, and the survival of piglets was 90 % in that groups whose diet included chlorella. Also, the feeding of piglets with a suspension of chlorella contributed to a decrease in the incidence of diarrhea. The weight of one pig in experimental groups was on average 6,8 % higher than in the control group of pigs, whose diet consisted only of feed. The practical and scientific work of many researchers has shown that the use of chlorella as an additional source of valuable substances in feeding farm animals reduces the cost of their maintenance, including the cost of feed. Economic efficiency of our research has shown that the use of chlorella in sows' diets as in the composition of the feeds and suspension does not affect the formation of prime costs per 1 head. And due to an increase in live weight gain, high preservation of young animals in experimental groups, net profit of 5509 and 5831 UAH was received. Thus, the mechanism of action of chlorella suspension is determined by its effect on all systems and functions of the animal organism. Chlorella suspension is a natural probiotic, as the quality of feed increases, it does not contain fodder toxins, which affects the increase in live weight of farm animals. |
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): | https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/5158 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | №3 |
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