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Название: Гістоструктурні показники перешийку яйцепроводу гусок у продуктивному періоді першого циклу яйцекладки
Другие названия: Histostructural indicators of the oviduct of geese in the productive period of the first cycle of egg-laying
Авторы: Жигалова, Олена Євгеніївна
Горбатенко, Валентина Павлівна
Бондаренко, Олена Євгеніївна
Ключевые слова: гуска;яйцепровід;перешийок;гістоструктурні показники;goose;oviduct;isthmus;histostructural indicators
Дата публикации: 15-мая-2019
Издательство: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Библиографическое описание: Жигалова О. Є., Горбатенко В. П., Бондаренко О. Є. Гістоструктурні показники перешийку яйцепроводу гусок у продуктивному періоді першого циклу яйцекладки. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 3. С. 46-51. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2019.03.07
Серия/номер: № 3;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): Наведено дані структурних змін і динаміки морфометричних показників стінки перешийку яйцепроводу гусок великої сірої породи у продуктивному періоді першого циклу яйцекладки. Встановлено строки детермінації залозистого апарату слизової оболонки перешийку.
The oviducts of the geese of large grey breed of 8 - 13 months of age were investigated. The macroscopic parameters of the organ were determined in each group. For histological studies, the samples of oviduct isthmus were fixed in a 10% aqueous formalin solution. The histological slides were staining by the following methods: hematoxylin and eosin, tricolor method (by Mallory), methyl green-pyronin (by Brashe), PAS-reaction and alcian blue. It was established that the period of egg-laying in the goose of a large grey breed began at the age of 10 months with the peak of egg-laying at the 11th - 12th months of age. Oviducts of geese of the 8th and 9th month of age are not macroscopically differentiated into divisions. Structural features of the wall of the oyiduct isthmus were determined at the microscopic level. The thickening of the isthmus wall occurred proportionately to the mucous membrane and muscle membranes. The beginning of the formation of the secretory apparatus of the isthmus came from the age of 8 to 9 months of the geese. Since the age of 10 months, the parameters of the thickness of the mucous membrane and the height of folds have not veraciously changed. It is a feature of the completion of the relief formation of mucous membrane and the secretory apparatus. There was a maximum increasing of the diameter of the glands of the mucous membrane for geese of this age group. It is an indicator of the completion of the differentiation of the glandular apparatus of the isthmus at the time of the start of the egg-laying. The morphometric indices of lumen epithelium and glands decreased by almost 1.4 times when egg, surrounded by membranes, is presented in the isthmus. It is caused by the extrusion of the secret and the formation of the material of the subshell membranes. The height of the folds of the mucous membrane and the diameter of the tubular glands in the geese of 13 months of age did not veraciously change, with a decreasing of egg productivity on 35%. Wherein, the thickness of the mucous membrane even increased. Such dynamics of morphometric indices is the result of accumulation and stagnation of the secret in the cytoplasm of glandular cells.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/5083
Располагается в коллекциях:№3

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