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dc.contributor.authorКоноплянченко, Е. В.-
dc.contributor.authorГерасименко, В. А.-
dc.contributor.authorКолодненко, В. Н.-
dc.contributor.authorБало, П. Н.-
dc.identifier.citationКоноплянченко Е. В., Герасименко В. А., Колодненко В. Н., Бало П. Н. Обеспечение надежности сложного производственного оборудования на этапе его ремонта и модернизации применением технологии сохранной разборки. Технічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів. 2018. № 13. С. 33-40.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractВ статье рассмотрены современные методики формализации процесса генерации последовательности разборки машин. Указаны проблемы и описаны пути оптимизации частичной разборки на этапе ремонта и модернизации оборудования. Приведена методология системного подхода к проектированию высокоэффективных технологических систем, применяемых при ремонте и модернизации машин, которая учитывает последствия эксплуатации изделий и степень их остаточного влияния на окружающую среду.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractThe article considers modern methods of formalizing the process of generating the sequence of disassembly of machines. Problems are described and ways of optimization of disassembly during the stage of equipment repair and upgrade are described. Offered the new approach, which considers consequences of maintenance of the complex equipment. The product, from the point of disassembly technique, view is represented as set of parts joints that going into it. Thus the period of product maintenance is represented as the function that depending from of some factors. The factor of time – for long time of parts maintenance even in normal conditions occurs change of an aspect of the connection, linked for example, to wear of pairs abrasion, change of parts physical properties being in contact (drying of rubber seals, contact surface magnetization and etc.). The maintenance conditions factor – effect of an excited environment, a dust content of a working area, effect of a heat, heavy loadings, maintenance in hard radiation conditions (heightened radiation), etc. The factor of a degree of residual effect on an environment – defines a degree of consequences of unfavorable maintenance conditions effect any product as a whole, and details going into it in particular (explosion hazard, residual radiation, biological danger, etc.). All the above-stated factors influence, separately and in the set, not only on transformation of joints aspects, but also on generation of sequence of selective product disassembly up to the costing parts. Besides the choice of industrial conditions on repair shop and means of technological equipment also depends on a combination of their influence. The basic idea of the concept resulted in operation consists in development of method ology of a system approach to projection of the highly effective technological systems applied at repair and modernizing of machines. Practical application of the offered approach will allow to increase quality and safety of complex machines, and introduction of the formalized technique in conditions of real manufacture will allow increase in level of efficiency and the use of available means of complex technological equipmentuk_UA
dc.relation.ispartofseriesТехнічний сервіс агропромислового, лісового та транспортного комплексів;№ 13-
dc.subjectнаправленный выбор технологийuk_UA
dc.subjectсохранная разборкаuk_UA
dc.subjectdirectional choice of technologiesuk_UA
dc.subjectsafe disassemblyuk_UA
dc.titleОбеспечение надежности сложного производственного оборудования на этапе его ремонта и модернизации применением технологии сохранной разборкиuk_UA
dc.title.alternativeProviding reliability of complex production equipment at the stage of its repair and modernization by the use of saved disassembly technologyuk_UA
Appears in Collections:№ 13

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