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Назва: Chickpea varieties productivity depending on combination of different sowing methods and sowing rate in the eastern forests steppe of Ukraine
Автори: Rozhkov, Artur
Voropai, Yulija
Chigrin, Olha
Potashova, Larysa
Gepenko, Oleksandra
Ключові слова: chickpea;varieties;seeding rate;row-spacing width;sowing method;productivity;cropping capacity;crop structure
Дата публікації: 2022
Видавництво: Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ
Бібліографічний опис: Rozhkov A., Voropai Y., Chigrin O., Potashova L., Gepenko O. Chickpea varieties productivity depending on combination of different sowing methods and sowing rate in the eastern forests steppe of Ukraine. Modern trends in the development of agricultural production: problems and perspectives. Monograph. Edited by S. Stankevych, O. Mandych. Tallinn: Teadmus OÜ, 2022. Р. 26-44
Короткий огляд (реферат): The article presents the results of four-year studies on the influence of various combinations of the seeding rate and row-spacing width on plants productivity and grain cropping capacity of chickpea varieties in the conditions of Eastern Forest-Steppe of Ukraine. The highest productivity of chickpea plants of Budzhak and Odyssey varieties was formed on variants with the lowest seeding rate in combination with 15 cm row-spacing. In this variant plant nutrition area was close to the square with the sides ratio 1.0:1.1. At the same time, through the smaller number of plants per unit of area, the grain yield in this variant was significantly inferior to the variants with a higher seeding rate. Two better combination of the seeding rate and row-spacing width were distinguished which ensure the formation of the highest cropping capacity of both chickpea varieties. This is combination of 800 thousand pieces/ha seeding rate with 15 cm row-spacing and 700 thousand pieces/ha seeding rate with 30 cm row-spacing. On mentioned variants, the grain yield of Budzhak variety was 2.34 and 2.44 t/ha respectively, and the grain yield of Odyssey variety – 2.61 and 2.51 t/ha
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/44075
ISBN: 978-9916-9859-1-5
Розташовується у зібраннях:Modern trends in the development of agricultural production: problems and perspectives

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