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dc.contributor.authorПасемко, Г.П.-
dc.contributor.authorБага, Л.Г.-
dc.contributor.authorШевченко, С.В.-
dc.contributor.authorКорсун, Є.С.-
dc.identifier.citationПасемко Г.П., Бага Л.Г., Шевченко С.В., Корсун Є.С. Історична роль земств в соціально-економічному розвитку дореволюційної України. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2020. № 2. С. 105-112.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractПасемко Г.П., Бага Л.Г., Шевченко С.В., Корсун Е.С., Историческая роль земств в социально-экономическом развитии дореволюционной Украине. В статье раскрыта специфика деятельности земств на территории Украины в период конца XIX-начала ХХ в. Описаны основные направления работы земств, задачи, которые устанавливались перед ними, их достижения и проблемы в деятельности. Дана характеристика работы земств, как инструмента стабилизации отдельных территорий. Оценены возможности использования опыта деятельности земств в современных условиях реформирования территориальных общин.uk_UA
dc.description.abstractPasemko G.P., Baga L.G., Shevchenko S.V., Korsun E.S. The historical role of zemstvos in the socio-economic development of pre-revolutionary Ukraine. One of the important problems in the process of building the statehood of independent democratic Ukraine was the formation of a real and effective system of local self-government. In this situation, it is more important than ever to turn to the historical experience of the management system of individual territories, one of the most effective of which is the activity of zemstvos. The main method of research of the problem we have chosen the historical analysis that allows to estimate specificity and efficiency of activity of zemstvos. The subject of the study is the activity of zemstvo institutions of tsarist Russia on the territory of Ukraine in the pre-revolutionary period. The purpose of writing the article was to assess the possibilities of using the experience of zemstvos in the process of modern reform of territorial communities. The role of zemstvos in the development of territorial communities of pre-revolutionary Ukraine was also assessed. Presentation of the main research material. Zemsky institutions were established as an integral part of the reform of the Russian Empire in the second half of the nineteenth century. In addition, the creation of zemstvos one of the main tasks determined the formation of efficient food production. Within the framework of these tasks, the sphere of zemstvo activity included a wide range of issues: from the formation of the system of primary education and medicine, to the development of insurance, mail, the formation of the system of veterinary supervision and agronomic assistance to the population. The financial resources for the work of zemstvos were both special taxes received from members of zemstvo communities and government funds aimed primarily at the development of food business. What is specific is that the zemstvos carried out the formation of the so-called food capital in the provinces, in the form of both natural food reserves and in the form of monetary contributions of the population. The most important areas of the zemstvo's work were agronomy and veterinary medicine, as tools for increasing food production, the zemstvos carried out both the opening of agricultural research institutions and the dissemination of innovations in the practice of peasant farms. The great contribution of zemstvos to the formation of the social structure, villages, they built and maintained schools, hospitals, provided social care for the most vulnerable segments of the population: orphans, the disabled, migrants. Scope of results. In the current realities of local communities in the period of deepening economic crisis, you can use the experience of zemstvos as a way to stabilize certain areas.uk_UA
dc.publisherХарків : ХНАУuk_UA
dc.subjectтериторіальні громадиuk_UA
dc.subjectземські управиuk_UA
dc.subjectпродовольчий капіталuk_UA
dc.subjectпродовольчі запасиuk_UA
dc.subjectземська агрономіяuk_UA
dc.subjectземська ветеринаріяuk_UA
dc.subjectтерриториальные общиныuk_UA
dc.subjectземские управыuk_UA
dc.subjectпродовольственный капиталuk_UA
dc.subjectпродовольственные запасыuk_UA
dc.subjectземская агрономияuk_UA
dc.subjectземская ветеринарияuk_UA
dc.subjectterritorial communitiesuk_UA
dc.subjectzemstvo councilsuk_UA
dc.subjectfood capitaluk_UA
dc.subjectfood stocksuk_UA
dc.subjectzemstvo agronomyuk_UA
dc.subjectzemstvo veterinary medicineuk_UA
dc.titleІсторична роль земств в соціально-економічному розвитку дореволюційної України.uk_UA
Appears in Collections:Вісник ХНАУ №2

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