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Title: Способи активізації державної підтримки розвитку сфери туризму та курортів
Other Titles: Ways to intensify state support of tourism and resort development
Authors: Коніщева, Наталія Йосипівна
Ткачова, Світлана Сергіївна
Keywords: сфера туризму та курортів;державна підтримка розвитку;Індекс конкурентоспроможності;сфера туризма и курортов;государственная поддержка развития;индекс конкурентоспособности;tourism and resorts;state support for development;competitiveness index
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі
Citation: Коніщева Н.Й., Ткачова С.С. Способи активізації державної підтримки розвитку сфери туризму та курортів. Економічна стратегія і перспективи розвитку сфери торгівлі та послуг. 2020. Вип. 1(31). С. 226-234.
Abstract: Проаналізовано динаміку змін Індексу конкурентоспроможності України у сфері подорожей та туризму за 2017–2019 рр. Обґрунтовано, що в сучасних умовах потрібно суттєво активізувати державну підтримку сфери туризму та курортів, яка належить до основних драйверів оновленої структури вітчизняної економіки.
Ukraine is one of the leading European states in regard to possessing valuable historical, religious, cultural, recreational, curative, and natural resources. But at present, it does not have the possibility to compete with highlydeveloped tourist countries. Therefore, it is very important to determine how it would be possible to achieve an improvement in the state of tourism and resorts, to ensure its further dynamic growth and increase competitiveness through the implementation of a set of state measures. The identified problems have been thoroughly investigated in the publications of many domestic scientists. At the same time, rapid changes in political, economic and social processes and increased competition in the global tourism market necessitate further research. The purpose of the given article is to identify ways to intensify state support for the development of tourism and resorts. The strengthening of the coordinative role of the state in the transformation of tourism and resorts into a sphere which is highly profitable and integrated into the world market, has allowed to achieve significant results in 2017–2019. Ukraine's Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Index climbed 10 positions in the global rankings. This is the highest growth rate of the overall indicator among all countries of the Eurasian region. The sphere of tourism and resorts belongs to the main drivers of the dynamic development of the Ukrainian economy. The analysis shows that the implementation of efficient mechanisms of state regulation of tourism and resorts significantly activates the tourist services market and increases the competitiveness of the national tourism product. This tendency can be significantly strengthened if state support will be focused on priority areas that are in line with the trends of the world tourism market. Throughout the world, there is a growing demand for the services of recreational, curative, and healthcare companies. As Ukraine possesses unique natural and recreational resources as well as a well-developed network of sanatoria and health resorts, it is advisable that curative and healthcare flavors of tourism become high priorities of the state support of tourism and resorts. In order to use tourism resources more efficiently and to ensure further dynamic growth of the tourist services market, it is advisable to intensify state support for this area by concentrating resources onto priority areas and introducing efficient mechanisms for state regulation of tourism and resort development.
Appears in Collections:Випуск 1 (31)

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