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Назва: Удосконалення технологічних елементів утримання новонароджених телят та корів-первісток у м’ясному скотарстві
Інші назви: Improvement of technological elements of newborn calves keeping in beef cattle breeding
Автори: Дидикіна, Аліна Ігорівна
Прудніков, Василь Григорович
Васильєва, Юлія Олександрівна
Криворучко, Юрій Іванович
Ключові слова: м’ясне скотарство;телята;технологія утримання;відтворювальна здатність;збереженість телят;корови-первістки;beef cattle breeding;keeping technology;breeding capacity;calves’ safety
Дата публікації: 15-лис-2019
Видавництво: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Бібліографічний опис: Удосконалення технологічних елементів утримання новонароджених телят та корів-первісток у м’ясному скотарстві. А. І. Дидикіна, В. Г. Прудніков, Ю. О. Васильєва, Ю. І. Криворучко. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2019. № 4. С. 41-45. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2019.04.08
Серія/номер: № 4;
Короткий огляд (реферат): У статті наведені результати досліджень впливу нових елементів технології утримання новонароджених телят з первістками матерями абердин-ангуської породи в молозивний період на збереження й продуктивність молодняку. Вибірково застосовували сумісне утримання новонароджених телят з первістками в індивідуальних секціях.
In Ukraine a beef import portion increases to meet the needs of the population in meat products affects negatively the development of domestic livestock breeding. The force for development of domestic cattle farming is multiplying the number of specialized meat breeds, one of which is Aberdeen-Angus cattle stock breed. The effectiveness of the industry directly depends on the safety state of newborn calves since a calf is the main product in beef cattle breeding. The first 24 hours after the calf’s birth are the most important. Calves are born without natural immunity and acquire it only by consuming colostrum. Gaps in technological processes combining with hostile keeping conditions are the main factors of the calves’ mortality during the first days after the birth. Considering the importance of the safety of young stock, technology elements beef cattle improving and assessment of effectiveness of the joint calves-mothers keeping during colostrum period in individual sections is a serious issue. The studies were conducted on the basis of the state of emergency "Agro-Novoselovka 2009". In order to conduct a domestic experiment in the period from 2016 to 2018, Aberdeen-Angus bred heifers and their calves were used (206 goals total), they were divided into three groups according to the years of the experiment. During the first year all the first-calf cows and newborn calves were kept in a joint pinfold. During the second and third years, if a cow revealed weak maternal instinct or a newborn calf – underdeveloped instincts, the cows and the litter were transferred to individual sections and were kept there until the calves began to suckle the bag. The study took into account such factors as first-calf cows’ age and live weight before and after calving. In different years these factors have not shown significant difference. In the first group the number of the challenging calves was 5 heads of the total number of newborns, in the second – 6 heads, and in the third one – 7 heads. The research has shown that usage of new keeping technology elements resulted into 83 and 78 percent of newborn calves’ safety, whereas in the first group with the classic keeping technology, this indicator was only at the mark of 25%. In conversion to the total number of calves the litter safety index in the first group was 87%, and in the second and third groups – 98%, which proves the effectiveness of using new keeping technology elements.
URI (Уніфікований ідентифікатор ресурсу): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/3703
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