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Title: Формування якості пива з додаванням нетрадиційної рослинної сировини: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.15 – товарознавство харчових продуктів
Other Titles: Formation of beer quality with the addition of non-traditional plant materials
Authors: Татар, Лариса Василівна
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Пенкіна, Наталія Михайлівна
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі, Кафедра товарознавства в митній справі
Keywords: крафтове пиво;хвойний екстракт;хміль;смакоароматичні речовини;фітокомпоненти;дубильні речовини;низькомолекулярні фенольні сполуки;craft beer;pine needles extract;hop;flavoring substances;phytocomponents;tannins;low molecular weight phenolic compounds
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Харків: ХДУХТ
Citation: Татар Л. В. Формування якості пива з додаванням нетрадиційної рослинної сировини: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук: 05.18.15 – товарознавство харчових продуктів; наук. кер. Н. М. Пенкіна; Харківський держ. ун-т харч. та торгівлі. Харків, 2019. 20 с.
Abstract: Дисертацію присвячено теоретичному та експериментальному виявленню закономірностей комплексного впливу натуральних рослинних ароматичних фітокомпонентів із хвої сосни у формі екстракту на формування споживних властивостей крафтового пива. Науково обґрунтовано і розроблено новий спосіб отримання та збагачення крафтового нефільтрованого пива натуральною рослинною добавкою із нетрадиційної рослинної сировини (екстракт із хвої сосни) з антиоксидантними властивостями. Проведено комплексну товарознавчу оцінку розробленого пива, збагаченого фітокомпонентами із хвої сосни, яке від традиційного відрізняється високим вмістом натуральних рослинних БАР, таких як низько- та високомолекулярні фенольні сполуки, ароматичні речовини. Це дозволило не тільки збільшити біологічну цінність нового пива, але й подовжити термін його зберігання у два рази. На біологічних об’єктах доведено зменшення негативного впливу розробленого пива на організм та виявлено, що воно має антиоксидантний потенціал і здатне захищати печінку від негативного впливу алкоголю у своєму складі. Розроблено і затверджено нормативно-технологічну інструкцію на новий продукт, одержано патент України на корисну модель. Подано дані щодо соціальної та економічної ефективності нової продукції. Результати досліджень упроваджено у виробництво та освітній процес.
The complex of biologically active phytocomponents of dried pine needles is studied in comparison with hop cones, as non-traditional spice-aromatic plant materials used to form beer quality. It is established that their aromatic complex includes unsaturated reaction-active substances such as essential oils, low molecular weight phenolic compounds (chlorogenic acid), polyphenolic (tanning) substances, resins and bitter substances. At the same time, a large content of the listed bioactive supplements (especially low molecular weight and high molecular weight phenolic compounds and essential oils) differs in pine needles 1.5...5 times more than in dried hop cones. Using mathematical modeling, the optimal parameters of extraction of pine needles extract are determined, the criterion of which is chosen as antioxidant activity. Pine needles extract is made using water as an extractant: from a hydromodule of plant raw materials and water in a ratio of 1:8, grinding to a particle size of 50...250 μm and maintained at a temperature of 60 °C for 30 minutes using further infusion of the extract within 8 hours It is established that the obtained extract with a solids content of 3.8...3.9% has a refreshing, rich taste and a pronounced aroma of needles, in appearance it is a clear golden liquid. It is revealed that the extract from the needles contains a biological complex, which consists of low molecular weight phenolic compounds (chlorogenic acid) in the amount of 289.4 mg per 100 ml of extract, flavonol glycosides (for rutin) 194.2 mg per 100 ml in extract, polyphenolic (tannins) 237.8 mg in 100 ml of extract and bitter substances 12.1 mg in 100 ml of extract. The method of gas chromatography is used to study the component composition of flavoring substances from pine needles plant extract, which forms the specific taste and aroma of needles and beer made with its use. It is found that most of the extract contains limonene ether (retention time – 14.866 minutes), which forms a lemon flavor, also terpenes, such as pinene (retention time – 16.411 minutes), borneol (retention time – 11.444 units) are present in significant amounts of coniferin (retention time –10.882 min.) Borneol and coniferin have the aroma of pine needles and wood. In addition, picein glycoside is detected (retention time – 8.477 units), which forms a bitter taste. A new method for production and enrichment of craft (unfiltered) beer with natural plant additive from non-traditional plant raw materials (pine needle extract) with antioxidant properties is scientifically substantiated and developed. The tasting assessment shows that the developed drink has a clean, fermented, malt taste, with a pronounced hop bitterness, refreshing coniferous tone and light aroma of pine needles. It is established that the mass fraction of dry substances in the beer "Emerald" is 10.3%, in the control – 10.0%, the mass fraction of ethyl alcohol is 2.9% and 3.0%, acidity 1.7 cm3, 0.1 mol/dm3 of sodium hydroxide solution per 100 cm3 of beer and 1.8 cm3, 0.1 mol/dm3 of sodium hydroxide solution per 100 cm3 of beer, respectively. The color of the beer "Emerald" is 1.2 cm3, 0.1 mol/dm3 of iodine solution per 100 cm3 of water, mass fraction of carbon dioxide – 0.4%. It is determined that the content of toxic elements in beverages is less than the maximum permissible concentration. The results of the study of microbiological indicators indicate that no pathogenic microorganisms and bacteria of the coliform group are detected in beer. The composition of the volatile flavoring substances of beer is investigated by gas chromatography. It is established that the beer "Emerald" contains butene acid (0,000087656 mg/100 ml), acetic acid (0.0007033775 mg/100 ml), isopentanol (0.002270767 mg/100 ml), pentanal (0.0003148061 mg/100 ml), diethylamine (0.0001840857 mg/100 ml), methyl ether (0.000485071 mg/100 ml), ethyl ether (0.0000120535 mg/100 ml), tetraalcohol (0.0000698093 mg/100 ml). Additionally, the following substances are identified: cyclobutyl alcohol (0.0000323096 mg/100 ml), methyl butane (0.0000198783 mg/100 ml), methyl hydrogen sulfate (0.000086374 mg/100 ml), butanoic acid (0.0000116806 mg/100 ml). In total, 38 flavoring components is identified in the Emerald beer, the beer control has 32 components that are formed as a result of fermentation. For a full assessment of the severity of aroma of developed beer the number of aroma is determined. The total content of substances responsible for the aroma of the new beer is 1.5–1.6 times more than in the traditional (control – 2170 ml Na2S2O3/100 ml, "Emerald" – 3361 ml Na2S2O3/100 ml). A comprehensive commodity assessment is done for the developed craft beer, enriched with phytocomponents from pine needles, which is from the traditional (with hops), it has a high content of natural plant biologically active substances, such as low and high molecular weight phenolic compounds, aromatic substances. It is established that the developed craft beer compared with the traditional (control) contains significantly more plant biologically active substances, in particular, low molecular weight phenolic compounds 1.4–1.5 times (control – 90.6 mg/100 ml, "Emerald" – 133.8 mg/100 ml), polyphenolic (tanning) substances – 1.3–1.4 times (control – 153.9 mg/100 ml, "Emerald" – 114.3 mg/100 ml). This allows not only to increase the biological value of the new beer, but also to extend its shelf life by half. Reduction of the negative effect of beer on the body is proven on biological objects and it is established that it has antioxidant potential and is able to protect the liver from the negative effect of alcohol in its composition under normal conditions (high values of antioxidant markers: restored glutathione – by 3.0%, catalase activity – by 32.8%; smaller pro-oxidant: diene conjugates – by 4.1%, thiobarbiturum reactants – by 30.7% compared with the group of animals that received beer control). The technology instruction for a new product is developed and approved, a patent of Ukraine for a utility model is obtained. Data on the social and economic efficiency of new products are presented. The research results are implemented in the production and educational process.
Appears in Collections:05.18.15 – Товарознавство харчових продуктів

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