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Title: Формування товарознавчих властивостей замороженого напівфабрикату для смузі на основі плодово-ягідної сировини: автореф. дис. на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.15 – товарознавство харчових продуктів
Other Titles: Formation of commodity properties of frozen semi-finished product for a smoothie based on fruit and berry raw materials
Authors: Соколова, Євгенія Борисівна
metadata.dc.contributor.advisor: Одарченко, Андрій Миколайович
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі, Кафедра товарознавства та експертизи товарів
Keywords: плодово-ягідна сировина;смузі;напівфабрикат для смузі;полуниця;сушені яблука;вівсяні пластівці;заморожування;низькотемпературне зберігання;fruit and berry raw materials;smoothies;semi-finished product for smoothies;strawberries;dried apples;oatmeal;freezing;low-temperature storage
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Харків: ХДУХТ
Citation: Соколова Є. Б. Формування товарознавчих властивостей замороженого напівфабрикату для смузі на основі плодово-ягідної сировини: автореф. дис. ... канд. техн. наук: 05.18.15 – товарознавство харчових продуктів; наук. кер. А. М. Одарченко. Харківський держ. ун-т харч. та торгівлі. Харків, 2019. 22 с.
Abstract: Дисертацію присвячено формуванню товарознавчих властивостей замороженого напівфабрикату для смузі на основі плодово-ягідної сировини та дослідженню його зміни під час низькотемпературного зберігання. Науково обґрунтовано і розроблено спосіб виготовлення замороженого напівфабрикату для смузі. На основі експериментальних досліджень визначено інноваційний задум щодо вимог якості, безпечності та технологічних операцій у виробництві нової продукції. Установлено рівень заданих показників якості та безпечності для товарознавчої оцінки напою смузі. Досліджено процес заморожування, визначено діапазони вимороженої вологи в напівфабрикаті як чинника, що впливає на якість напівфабрикату для смузі. Установлено закономірності змін органолептичних, фізико-хімічних, мікробіологічних показників напівфабрикату під час низькотемпературного зберігання. За результатами економічних розрахунків зроблено висновок щодо доцільності впровадження на підприємствах харчової промисловості замороженого напівфабрикату для смузі. Одержано два патенти України на корисну модель. Укладено ліцензійний договір на комерційне використання об’єкта права інтелектуальної власності. Подано дані щодо соціальної та економічної ефективності нової продукції. Результати досліджень упроваджено у виробництво та освітній процес.
The dissertation is devoted to the formation of commodity properties of frozen semi-finished product for a smoothie based on fruit and berry raw materials and to study its change during low temperature storage. The method of making frozen semi-finished product for smoothie is scientifically substantiated and developed. On the basis of experimental researches the innovative conception on requirements of quality, safety and technological operations in manufacture of new production is defined. The level of the set quality and safety indicators for the commodity assessment of the beverage of smoothie. The chemical composition of ten most common economic and botanical varieties of strawberries at the beginning, middle and end of the fruiting period was investigated. Based on the obtained results, it is proved that middle-early varieties of Dukat and Сorona are most suitable for obtaining the specified quality indicators in the semifinished product. This is due to the fact that Ducat and Сorona varieties are characterized by the smallest fluctuations in the obtained indices within the variety: by mass fraction of soluble solids – 8,8…9,1% and 8,7…9,0%, sugars – 6,8…7,1% and 5,0…5,3%, vitamin C content – 62,0…62,7 mg/100 g and 59,0…60,0 mg/100 g, catechins – 99,0…99,5 mg/100 g and 84,5… 84,9 mg/100 g, anthocyanins – 97,2…98,7 mg/100 g and 95,7…96,1 mg/100 g, respectively. It is proved that the changes in the properties of strawberries during the action of low temperatures determine the suitability of a variety to freeze. It is established that Ducat strawberry variety is most suitable for freezing and most fully retains its commercial qualities during freezing, low temperature storage and defrosting. In the study of the chemical composition of the five most common varieties of apples, dried by the convective method, it was found that the best way to use a variety of apples Borovinka for the production of the smoothie. This variety had the highest performance compared to other trial varieties in terms of solids content (90,6%), vitamin C (7,8 mg/100 g), monos sugars (30,6%) and titrated acidity (2,5%). According to the chemical composition of oat flakes, they were found to have high nutritional value due to high protein content (11,3%), fat (6,0%), fiber (1,3%) and minerals K (333,0 mg/100 g), Mg (126,0 mg/100 g), P (327,0 mg/100 g), which justifies their introduction into the semi-finished product for the smoothie. Thus, it has been shown that strawberries, dried apples and oat flakes have high nutritional value due to the high content of vitamins and minerals, so it is advisable to recommend this raw material for the production of semi-finished product for the smoothie. The method of obtaining frozen semi-finished product for the smoothie is scientifically substantiated and developed. Mathematical modeling determines the rational ratio of the components of the semi-finished product in the composition: dried apples – 50%, strawberries – 35% and oat flakes – 15%. The process of freezing is investigated, the ranges of frozen moisture in a semifinished product are determined as a factor affecting the quality of a semi-finished product for the smoothie. It was found experimentally that the test sample had two ranges of crystallization and recrystallization of frozen moisture. Freezing at (–20±2) °С contributes to the complete preservation of the product, and further keeping at such temperature ensures long-term storage. The mass fraction of frozen water of the test sample, which is 68,6%, is calculated, which indicates a certain stability of the semifinished product during further low-temperature storage. It was found that during the low-temperature storage in the semi-finished product for the smoothie there were slight changes in the physicochemical parameters. It was found that the mass fraction of soluble solids decreased from 22,51% to 21,34% within nine months, and the sugar content also decreased by 0,48%. During storage of frozen semi-finished product titrated acidity increased by 0,23%, vitamin C decreased from 22,58 mg/100 g to 20,38 mg/100 g. It has been proven that the frozen semi-finished product, which has been stored for nine months, has a stable color. At the end of the low-temperature storage period, the color intensity was 99% of the initial value. The content of flavoring substances decreased to 52% from the original value. Studies of the rheological characteristics of the semi-finished product for the smoothie, it was found that the semi-finished product has a characteristic linear particle size of 38 microns. After nine months of low temperature storage, thawed specimens have been found to have a lower effective viscosity of n and a K consistency parameter. The calculations of the integrated quality indicator confirmed the innovative plan to develop a semi-finished product for the smoothie. It has been established that the smoothie of the developed frozen semi-finished product meet the rating of «very good». Its Quality Score (0,92) exceeds the Frenzy TM band score (0,72). The recommended selling price of the semi-finished product is estimated, which is 115,0 UAH per 1 kg of production. Profit will be UAH 19,2 thousand for every 1000 kg of finished goods sold. According to the results of economic calculations, it is concluded that it is advisable to introduce a frozen semi-finished product for the smoothie in the food industry. Two patents of Ukraine for utility model were obtained. The license agreement for the commercial use of the intellectual property object has been concluded. Data on social and economic performance of new products are presented. The research results are integrated into the production and educational process.
Appears in Collections:05.18.15 – Товарознавство харчових продуктів

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