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Название: Використання м΄ясної бельгійської блакитної породи худоби у промисловому схрещуванні в східному регіоні України
Другие названия: Use of belgian blue beef cattle by industrial crossing in the eastern region of Ukraine
Авторы: Носок, С. О.
Криворучко, Ю. І.
Зандарян, В. А.
Ключевые слова: молочне скотарство;виробництво яловичини;промислове схрещування;ріст;розвиток;молодняк;м’ясна бельгійська блакитна порода;продуктивність;beef production;dairy cattle breeding;industrial crossbreeding;growth;development;young cattle;Belgian blue beef cattle;Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed
Дата публикации: 20-мая-2020
Издательство: Харківська державна зооветеринарна академія
Библиографическое описание: Носок С. О., Криворучко Ю. І., Зандарян В. А. Використання м΄ясної бельгійської блакитної породи худоби у промисловому схрещуванні в східному регіоні України. Ветеринарія, технології тваринництва та природокористування. 2020. № 5. С. 110-115. https://doi.org/10.31890/vttp.2020.05.20
Серия/номер: № 5;
Краткий осмотр (реферат): У статті наведено результати досліджень щодо росту та розвитку помісного молодняку від промислового схрещування корів української чорно-рябої молочної та м’ясної бельгійської блакитної порід в умовах молочного господарства ДПДГ «Гонтарівка» Вовчанського району Харківської області.
The beef production has recently decreased till critical level in Ukraine. Its main part is produced from dairy cattle, whose quantity has tendency to decrease annually. The amount of beef cattle has reduced in 4,6 times for last 5 years and contains 28 thousand of heads. As a result – almost total beef self-production deficiency in structure of meat products consumption by Ukrainian citizens. Since 2017, due to purchasing price has been increasing for cattle, beef production from unprofitable has become profitable (3,4%). Husbandries, that are responsible for dairy cattle have been paying more attention to young cattle fattening to get meat. For increasing meat productivity of dairy cattle, industrial crossing with beef bulls has been obtained (Hereford, Aberdeen Angus, Charollais, Limousine, etc). Animal breeders pay more attention to prospective Belgian blue beef cattle because of excellent meat qualities. In conditions of Ukraine, in industrial crossing, this breed started to be used last time. Experimental husbandry “Gontarovka”, Volchansky district, Kharkov region is a stud farm of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breeding. Approximately 20-30% of cows in milking herd are culled annually for different reasons. For investigation, cows that were clinically healthy were fertilized by bulls of Belgian blue beef cattle and, in February 2019 crossbred progeny has been obtained. The aim of our investigation is to estimate vital meat productivity of bulls and heifers at given stage of development of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed and crossbreeds, obtained from industrial crossing at raising by technology of dairy cattle breeding, i.e without suckling. The conditions of feeding and maintenance of young experimental group cattle were similar. It has been established, that cow parturitions of Ukrainian black-and-white dairy breed were without complications. Most live weight of stud bulls of Belgian blue cattle no way influenced on increasing breed. In husbandry, live weight of 12 months mongrel heifer is 370 kg, higher than weight of purebred herd mates in 7,4 kg (2%). One-year crossbred bull-calves had live weight 398,8kg, that more than analogues in 22,6 kg (6%). Daily-average gains had fluctuations in different periods of growth and development. Mongrel bull-calves had high indices of offspring during the period from 4 till 5 months (1000g), 6-7 months (1013,8g), 10-11 months(1546,7g), 11-12 months (1600g), but heifers, 5-6 months (1346,7g). Complete gain for 12 months purebred heifers composed 330,2 kg, but in crossbreeds – 336,4 kg, higher in 6,2 kg (1,8%) in comparison with previous. Crossbred bull-calves also had advantage in comparison with purebred for that period in 22,2 kg (6,5%) and complete gain amounts 365 kg. It means, that not only feeding influences on meat productivity of young cattle formation, but origin of animal. According to point and body composition, crossbreeds had indices more characterized for beef cattle – deep and wide chest, well-developed muscles, supple skin, strong limbs. They were compacted and massive.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/3211
Располагается в коллекциях:№5

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