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Название: | Технологія продукції із заварного тіста з використанням олії соняшникової високоолеїнового типу: автореф. дис на здобуття наук. ступеня канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 – технологія харчової продукції |
Другие названия: | Технология продукции из заварного теста с использованием масла подсолнечного високоолеинового типа The technology of production of choux pastry using high oleic sunflower oil |
Авторы: | Діхтярь, Альона Миколаївна |
Научный руководитель: | Федак, Наталя Василівна |
metadata.dc.contributor.affiliation: | Харківський державний університет харчування та торгівлі |
Ключевые слова: | олія соняшникова високоолеїнового типу;жирнокислотний склад;насичені жирні кислоти;мононенасичені жирні кислоти;поліненасичені жирні кислоти;кислотне число;пероксидне число;йодне число;термічний вплив;продукція із заварного тіста;high oleic sunflower oil;fatty acid composition;saturated fatty acids;monounsaturated fatty acids;polyunsaturated fatty acids;acid value;peroxide value;iodine number;thermal impact;choux pastry products |
Дата публикации: | 2017 |
Издательство: | Харків |
Библиографическое описание: | Діхтярь А. М. Технологія продукції із заварного тіста з використанням олії соняшникової високоолеїнового типу: автореф. дис. … канд. техн. наук: 05.18.16 – технологія харчової продукції; наук. кер. Н. В. Федак. Харків, 2017. 23 с. |
Краткий осмотр (реферат): | У дисертації науково обґрунтовано технологію продукції із заварного тіста з використанням олії соняшникової високоолеїнового типу (ОСВТ). Визначено вплив технологічних факторів на властивості ОСВТ. Обґрунтовано раціональні параметри технологічної обробки ОСВТ, що дозволяють використовувати її як рецептурний компонент заварного тіста та середовище для смаження. Одержано комплекс нових даних, що характеризують органолептичні, фізико-хімічні, мікробіологічні та токсикологічні показники, поживну цінність нової продукції, науково обґрунтовано умови й терміни зберігання. Доведено доцільність зберігання продукції із заварного тіста з використанням ОСВТ в охолодженому стані за температури 0…6ºС та відносної вологості повітря 70...75% протягом 72×602 с. Виконано комплекс робіт з упровадження результатів дослідження. Розроблено та затверджено ТУ У 10.7-01566330-311:2015 «Вироби борошняні кондитерські із заварного тіста» та ТІ до ТУ У 10.7-01566330-311:2015, що регламентують процес виробництва продукту. Нові технології впроваджено у діяльність ТОВ «Підприємство АВІС», ТОВ «Клуб Болеро», ТОВ «Перспективні технології», кафе «Паприка», результати дослідження – в освітній процес ХДУХТ. Dichtyar A.M. The technology of production of choux pastry using high oleic sunflower oil. – Manuscript. Thesis for Candidates degree of Technical Science by Specialty 05.18.16 – Technology of Food Products. – Kharkiv State University of Food Technology and Trade of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2017. In the thesis it is scientifically proved the technology of production of choux pastry using high oleic sunflower oil (HOSO). The stability of high oleic sunflower oil to oxidation processes under the condition of prolonged thermal influence was investigated. It was found the stability of high oleic sunflower oil to oxidation processes compared to sunflower refined deodorized oil (SRDO) (control), what is evidenced by the experimental data of physical and chemical parameters. Determined that AV of both oil samples increases during heat treatment, but HOSO AV after 30×602 s increases from an initial value at 4.2 times and remains quite low – 0.46 mg KOH/g, SRDO (control) AV increases at 7.1 times and is 2.2 mg KOH/g. The rate of oxidation in HOSO lower than in SRDO (control) at 2 times at the start of heat treatment and at 1.23 times at the maximum duration of heat treatment. In the range of heat treatment (6...30)×602 s the linear dependence between extinction rate and duration of heat treatment is observed. Extinction coefficient in SRDO (control) and HOSO increases to the limit of the maximum permissible values ( = 15, that corresponds to the accumulation of 1% oxidized fatty acids) in 6×602 s in SRDO and 18×602 s in HOSO, what confirms 3 times more HOSO heat resistance. It is proved that simultaneously with the increase in extinction coefficient TbV of oils increase, that confirms the formation of secondary oxidation products. TbV of HOSO is 0.04 mg MA/1000 g, which is less than 2.25 times than TbV of SRDO (control). Reduce of the oil unsaturation level illustrate the results of IV study. The rapid disintegration of triacylglycerols is observed during (6...18)×602 s, as the result of which IV of SRDO (control) decreases from 119 to 95% I2, that is at 1.2 times of the initial value, and of HOSO – at 1.1 times. During heat treatment major changes in fatty acid composition of oils occur, the nature of which depends on the oil type and duration of heat treatment. The content of saturated fatty acids during prolonged heat treatment of the both samples of oil increases. There is an increase in content of palmitic (from 3.9 to 4.8%) and stearic acid (from 2.8 to 3.6%) acids in HOSO is observed, in SRDO (control) - (from 6.8 to 10.2% and from 3.7 to 5.6% respectively). In SRDO (control) increase in content of palmitic and stearic acids during heating occurs more intense than in HOSO. The total content of tocopherols in SRDO (control) is 61.1 mg%, and in HOSO – 52.5 mg%. Quantitatively predominant form of tocopherols in the analyzed samples is α-tocopherol. Its part in the complex of tocopherols is 93.9 and 94.6 mg%, while the parts of β-, γ- and δ-tocopherols are: 3.8 and 4.5 mg%; 1.4 and 1.5 mg%; 0.2 and 0.3 mg% respectively. Investigated samples of oils differ significantly by the dynamics of α-tocopherol content during prolonged heat treatment. In SRDO (control) after 6 hours treatment α-tocopherol content decreases at 46.7%, 12×602 s – at 75.8%, 18×602 s – 90.4%, 24×602 s – 94, 1%, 30×602 s – 99.0%; for HOSO – at 41.1, 68.2, 84.6, 91.2 and 97.0%, that indicates a greater HOSO resistance to oxidation processes compared to SRDO (control). The rational parameters of technological processing of HOSO are substantiated, that allows to use it as a recipe component of choux pastry and frying medium. HOSO technological parameters were studied and the expediency of its use in the technology of choux pastry products was substantiated. The changes of basic technical and technological parameters of HOSO during the hydrothermal processes were studied. Patterns of hydrothermal processing influence on technological parameters of HOSO were determined, which demonstrate the feasibility of HOSO using in technologies with hydrothermal component, including technology of choux pastry products. Rational hydrothermal process conditions: t =95…100ºC, τ =(3…5)×60 s, HМ олія:вода 1:2,5. Using methods of system analysis the technology of choux pastry products using HOSO was scientifically proved and developed, its functioning as a technological system was determined. It is determined that the optimal concentration of HOSO in the recipe is 32%. At this concentration the specific volume of baked choux pastry semifinished product is 7.3 cm3/g; stability of shape – 1 cu, baking – 39%, shrinkage - 4.4%. The basic quality and safety indicators of the new product were determined. Found that the moisture content of the product is within 17,0 ± 0,5%, the fat content of baked semifinished product is 34,0±0,3%. The complex of new data that characterize organoleptic, physical, chemical, microbiological and toxicological indicators, new products’ nutritional value is obtained, storage conditions and shelf life are scientifically substantiated. The expediency of storage of choux pastry products using high oleic sunflower oil in a refrigerated state at the temperature 0...6ºC and relative humidity 70...75% during 72×602 s was proved. The basic economic indicators of new technology were calculated and the social-economical effect of its implementation into production was proved. It was determined that technology of products from choux pastry using HOSO is characterized by high level of profitability. Determined that the selling price of one unit of the product from offered assortment varies in range from 3.03 to 7.29 hrn, that is explained by the different costs of raw materials for fillings and finishing products. A range of works on implementation of research results was conducted. There was developed and approved TU U 10.7-01566330-311: 2015 " Floury confectionery products from choux pastry" and TI to TU U 10.7-01566330-311:2015, that regulate the production process. New technologies are implemented in the activity of LLC-company "AVIS", LLC "Club Bolero", LLC "Perspective Technologies", cafe "Paprika", the study results – in HDUHT educational process. |
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): | https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/31708 |
Располагается в коллекциях: | 05.18.16 – Технологія продуктів харчування |
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