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dc.contributor.authorHorokh, О.-
dc.contributor.authorBondarenko, Ye.-
dc.identifier.citationHorokh О., Bondarenko Ye. The importance of the organization of the company's cash accounts in the conditions of digital transformation. Digital transformation and technologies for sustainable development all branches of modern education, science and practice: materials International Scientific and Practical Conference Proceeding, January 26, 2023. International Academy of Applied Sciences in Lomza (Poland), State Biotechnological University (Ukraine). Lomza, Poland, 2023. Part 1. Р. 235-236uk_UA
dc.publisherЛомжа, МАПН; Харків, ДБТУuk_UA
dc.titleThe importance of the organization of the company's cash accounts in the conditions of digital transformationuk_UA
Располагается в коллекциях:Цифрова трансформація та диджитал технології для сталого розвитку всіх галузeй сучасної освіти, науки і практики

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