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Название: Стратегічний аналіз потенціалу туристичної галузі України
Авторы: Лісовий, А.В.
Долга, Г.В.
Ключевые слова: туристичний потенціал;туризм;аналіз;природно- рекреаційні показники;культурно-історичні показники;організаційно- економічні показники;tourism potential;tourism;analysis;natural-recreational indicators;cultural-historical indicators;organizational-economic indicators
Дата публикации: 22-сен-2020
Издательство: Харків: ХНАУ
Библиографическое описание: Лісовий А.В., Долга Г.В. Стратегічний аналіз потенціалу туристичної галузі України. Вісник ХНАУ. Серія : Економічні науки. 2020. № 2. С. 17-32.
Краткий осмотр (реферат): А.В. Лисовый, Г.В. Долга. Стратегический анализ потенциала туристической отрасли Украины. В статье пределена сущность и составляющие туристического потенциала с помощью которых был осуществлен стратегический анализ. Также были выделены и систематизированы показатели оценки туристического потенциала: природно-рекреационные, культурно-исторические и организационно-экономические, которые применялись при оценке потенциала туристической отрасли Украины. С целью стратегической оценки, был проведен SWOT-анализ и определены перспективы развития туризма на основе эффективного использования туристического потенциала Украины.
A.V. Lisovyi, Н.V. Dolha. Strategic analysis of tourism industry potential of Ukraine. This paper describes that the tourism potential is a broad multifaceted concept that covers a set of natural and recreational, cultural, historical, organizational and economic indicators that can serve as prerequisites for the development of certain types of tourism and the tourism industry in the country's tourism potential was also identified in this paper. They determine the geographical location, historical, spatial, natural, economic, political and legal, environmental, demographic, social, cultural, infrastructural, technological, organizational and managerial, innovative and staffing. According to the presented indicators, Ukraine has great prospects for the development of tourism potential, so a SWOT analysis was conducted it. After analyzing the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the tourist complex of Ukraine, were concluded that the long-term development of tourism in the country should be based on the following components: investment and innovation in tourism and hospitality; reorganization of transport support; training of qualified personnel; normalization of the political, economic and legislative climate; information communications. Without the implementation of these measures it is unreal to build an effective national intersectoral tourist complex. Without borrowing tourism innovations and transition to progressive European standards of guest and recreational service, it is impossible to develop a competitive tourism sector in the international market. The main strategic goals of the development of tourism potential in the field of tourism by 2026 are: the creation of a quality tourism product based on effective marketing activities; effective and integrated use of existing tourism and potential, by solving the problem of nature management and environmental protection and improving the infrastructure of tourism; increase of material and technical base; ensuring compliance of the price and quality of tourist products by creating conditions for optimizing the organizational and economic structure of small and medium-sized businesses, creating tax holidays, green corridors; organization of a system of quality training, retraining and advanced training of specialists in tourist support and service, other professions in the field of tourism and resorts, was determined in the article. Were identified in the article that according to the assessment of indicators of development of tourism and resorts in Ukraine this will increase the number of foreign tourists entering Ukraine, tourism entities, revenues to local budgets from the payment of tourist tax, revenues to the consolidated budget (taxes and fees) from the activities of tourism entities, the number of jobs in the field of tourism and the number of domestic tourists and excursionists.
URI (Унифицированный идентификатор ресурса): https://repo.btu.kharkov.ua//handle/123456789/271
Располагается в коллекциях:Вісник ХНАУ №2

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